Infusing home grown calendula flowers into a MCT carrier oil. You can see the be ...

in #appics6 years ago


Powered by APPICS - visit us at autiful golden color of the finished oil. We made an appics post previously about harvesting the calendula flowers in our garden. Once dried, we put the flowers into our double boiler and infuse the flowers into the carrier oil. We use this oil for body/skin moisturizer! Calendula is a special one when it comes to making body products! I’ll post more info below on the power of calendula. These body products are quite costly to purchase from stores but when made at home they not only wayyyy cheaper but the quality is much higher. Cheers to growing and making our own! #dfood ! Thanks for tuning in today Appics community and Steem Blockchain. We appreciate all of you! -Jake and the Raw Utah family


... autiful golden color of the finished oil.

... that's expensive color! :))

But so far, Seha doesn't know that moisturizing oil is for personal use or marketed, my brother?

Sorry if she's a bit fussy, Lol!

Love all my brothers.❤

Aloha!!! 🙏

aloha sister seha! :) yah...i agree...that golden color is....the color of expensive and priceless. ;) we use the oils we process for personal use. not marketed...or sold. :) thanks for your questions and sweet comments sister!

Hello Jake, how are u doing? Wow ... you are very creative, Jake because you process calendula flower into a useful product. I really like to use perfume, but I can't process it from flowers. Even though in my environment there are many fragrant flowers. enjoy your day, brother.

we are well today sister...and hope you are too! :) i'd love to get my hands on some of the flowers of your area and use them in infusions!!!! have a beautiful day sister. :)

Ann Marie wrote a beautiful article on calendula and also sells high end calendula products:

Always nice to see other Utahns on the platform.

very nice to meet you fellow utahn and palnet peep. :)