Americans Are you ready for the 4th? I have been improving my habits a lot lately. ...

in #appics6 years ago

... Getting back into working out. Eating better and being more focused on improving my self image and confidence. Been gaining financial wisdom and developing control measures to curb impulsive spending. My biggest expense is food. I love food. Eating less food improves all the things I want. My physique, my bank account, and my general health. Sometimes the simplest choices made in a conscious way can cause massive positive ripples in your life for a long while.

I want to make crypto my fulltime career and become financially independent. So this american Independence Day I am pondering on and envisioning my own independence from the 9 to 5. From living check to check to living month to month, then year to year, and finally decade to decade. I can clearly see a pathway to financial independence though the path holds unknown obstacles. I will achieve this dream the question is when?


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Good luck! Now is definitely the time to prepare yourself for the future. The crypto prices are attractive enough anyway. I'd be buying Steem like crazy if I hadn't just bought a new truck...

I was buying steem like crazy for a little while. Though now I am a little tight. With the halving i believe BTC will have a better return so i am repositioning myself to be majority BTC and hopefully take some profit after the halving and then use that profit to buy into steem. What do you think? Post some pics of that beautiful truck. I love trucks. Lol.

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I'm still thinking that we might be heading towards a recession in 2020 so I have been trying to pick up some BTC where I can here and there. The recent price increase hasn't made it as easy as it was when it was down near $5000. Ultimately I am still going to be behind a lot of other crypto holders as I came to the party a bit late.



You and me both friend. Lol. You and me both.

Are you on Discord? You should try to join some of the communities on there if you are not.

No I am not. Never used discord. What communities do you recommend and I can join them after I download the app.

Posted using Partiko Android

There are a lot of good people on there and I enjoy it more than other chat programs I have used in the past. I am bozz#7725 If you can find me. Adsactly is a good group as well as thesteemengine. You should also check out PAL. I can direct message you invite links once you get setup.

That is a noice!! Truck.

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