
I hope you're staying well over there, @mammasitta! Things are getting a little crazy in my part of the US as the number of new cases ramp up. Everything is closed to try to flatten the growth curve. Are you moving over to Hive tomorrow?

I am finally here also on my esteem app and can get notifications . Yeah!!!! Re-organizing myself! I am well but it’s been very tough on me because I live off tourism and that’s down the drain for now. All Best Eric!

Sorry to hear that but I’m glad you’re here! Our friend who has the Airbnb in St. Thomas said the virus has ruined her business for the year because the travel ban won’t end until her peak tourist season is done. Stay well my friend!

It’s bad! I was dependent on this to pay my rent but I got a nice job as real estate agent. I am so lucky ! Most people lost theirs. I will do it until things catch up again. Meanwhile I struggle to keep my head over water. It’s a good opportunity for me but it’s kind of funny, I never had to write a CV for my entire life. Hahhaa! I got the job! Yeah! Big hugs 🤗

I hate staying home, but it has to happen... 😤

Jo, muss da jetzt auch mit allem mehr einsteigen...bin dran...läuft...

..rebel forever!!...sometimes hard, sometimes useless, but always rebel.....sehr schön...

Ja das sind wir!!!! Morgen gehts weiter mit #hive

..haste tip wegen hive was tun?...oder nix??...war ja ne Weile offline, jetzt auf n letzten Drücker schnell informieren...wie gesagt, jeder tip oder so nehm ich gerne an....

Einfach nur die 2 Artikel lesen in meinem Profil! Nix tun! Abwarten und schauen ! Hive wird wie ein Clone und airdrop ist morgen. Hast du Telegram? Meine ID dort ist auch #mammasitta!...genauso hätte euch jetzt dann Ma, vielen Dank...dafür noch einer für dich:
..natürlich kenne ich so ne Leute nicht...

Hahha could be could be ....maybeeeee 🤪

Das passt jetzt aber 😂 ich versuche not to cry

..ach, Afrika, da war was...stimmt, Krieg auch irgendwo...dachte nur noch corona, alle anderen Katastrophen machen kurz Pause...


..außerdem werden keine Häftlinge in Berlin angenommen, Gerichte machen 6 Wochen zu...keine Kontrolleure mehr...aber wohin fahren??


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Congratulations you made it out of the Steem(it) Limbo! Welcome to the new Blockchain @hiveio Community :)

hivedevil is lonely.png

This is little daemo. He still feels lonely on the new blockchain. Give him a hug and follow him @hivedevil so his flames can shine again.

You received this message because @sciencevienna enjoyed your contributions very much in the previous blockchain life and has become a secret admirer of yours ever since