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RE: Appics SMT - Two More Weeks To The First Steem-based ICO

in #appics7 years ago

Well technically what's to stop someone creating something that blows Steemit out the water but with their own SMT token? Actually from where I'm looking that wouldn't even be that difficult, the hardest part of creating Steemit it was probably the blockchain and the rules not so much this front end which still looks very much like a beta with many placeholders


100% agree with this.. there are soo many missed opportunities on steem. i.e. long term pay out for blogs past the 7 day.. i understand why there is a expiration at 7 days for the 50/50.. but what about side bar of advertising customization etc. based on Views and click through.. like facebook/google. with a separate token. it may be able to curtail the wholesale selling of upvotes.. give people who want to get exposure for there articles from people that are reading older articles. @i-am-mark has some good ideas.. i have been pressing him into articulating these.