In future I'll make sure to not violate any rules and guidelines given by the community.
This all are the posts which was generated by AI and not giving the credit to the real owners.
Hello Everyone, My name is Muneeb and i want to make an apology for not using this platform as it true spirits. I used AI generated articles(ChatGPT) and not giving the credit to the real owner of the art in my various post. But then Hivewatcher came to visit my profile and said to me its fraud and against the platform and community rules. Articles and blogs generated by AI and not give the credit to the real owner of the art or I did not mention the artist name this all are my mistakes and I admit it. I created a new account @muneeb66 to continue the journey without violating any rules and guidelines but then hive learner mention me to go through appeal process as I have a huge debt to not clean myself from my previous sins. I feel very ashamed of my self and want to apology from all of the members of this platform as I didn't use it according to its guidelines. It's a bad idea to use AI generated articles and didn't mention the real owner of the art because it discourage the content writers who actually work hard to create informative valuable content and art.
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