ANYONE: A Revolutionary Crypto-based Online Casino Platform

in #anyone6 years ago



Of a fact, quite a number of online casinos which make use of crypto coin exist. However, the major challenge with most conventional crypto online casinos is that they are not as much dependable, they depreciate fast and their quality is quite lousy.
By reliability, we mean to say that how dependable are the servers as well as the data by the virtue of the probability of the game as well as defeat while depreciation refers to the actual price of the currency as a result of the crash in the price of cryptocurrencies.

When we talk of quality in ANYONE cryptocurrency, we refer to the fact that various online casinos make use of crypto coins, but then, the content and graphics is of very low grade. To ensure server reliability, ANYONE seeks to use Autoscaling by making use of AWS, RDS and WAF by which data is sustained to ensure that it is reliable and afford Mirror service.
Probability falsification and adjustments is limited by the usage of ANYONE mainnethash. By the virtue of the decrease on the value of money, the platform is made more reliable as the chips employed in the game are no more than 1 USD and are secured through the foundation. The chip retains the $1 USD value during the period of the exchange.

Content and Graphics Quality of ANYONE Platform

ANYONE cryptocurrency exchange is presently running a miniaturized game and adds extra contents per month. Presently, the extra contents include Dasai, Blackjack, Baccara amongst others. How the contents will proceed depends on the set roadmap.


Play one of the above listed games on ANYONE here: or

ANYONE Exchange

It is obviously true that a lot of exchanges have been built which has collapsed soon afterwards. Nevertheless, the huge cost of publicizing is not open to cryptocurrency coin developers. Costly listed coins and cryptocurrencies developers. High-end coins that are listed and developers of cryptocurrency coins only deal on peer-to-peer basis and they are given out at huge prices as a result of the broker’s intrusion. Afterwards, the prices aren’t too good such that the holders of the coins are compelled to sell them fast and of course at cheaper rates to reduce loss and save costs.

ANYONE Exchange seek to rectify these anomalies by raising the access for cryptocurrency coins at reduced prices. Anybody interested in the ownership of the cryptocurrency can directly determine its value by buying or selling it via exchanges. With the aid of ANYONE Exchange, brokers incursions and losses due to fraudulent acts are reduced to the barest minimum. This is the greatest challenge that peer-to-peer transactions have.

ANYONE Revenue

Between 30 to 60 percent of the entire revenue will be allocated to users although there is no specific way to determine and confirm the dividends as holders. The entire value of dividend is fixed and all of it is allocated. What the holder has is an equity ratio which is a fraction of the total revenue issued. As such, the owner can confirm the rate of dividend instantaneously and as well as the rate.



ANYONE Token is an ERC20-standard type token and the coin label is ANY. Every transaction on the platform will be carried our using the ANYONE coin and it could also be shared on a peer-to-peer basis. The algorithm name is SHA256 and it runs on a Proof-of-Work system. The total volume of ANY in circulation is 20 billion the confirmation is 100block.



ANYONE is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that seeks to improve the efficiency of crypto business by offering multiple options by which users can maximize profits when they buy the coin.

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