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RE: How to Treat Anxiety

in #anxiety6 years ago

hey this is very good...I had a very bad meditation experience that triggered my anxiety and that messed me up for years. It affected all areas of my life...If i had to give someone advice, it would be to 1. dont be too hard on yourself because anxiety is involuntary. you dont have to be afraid of something for it to arise and 2. exercise correctly and eat healthy. as corny as it may sound, its true. anxiety is physical, cetain muscles have to activate for you to feel it. by strengthening those muscles and building an awareness of them, you can stop them from contracting and stop the anxiety before it ever happens..good luck


I know there're various types of meditation techniques out there but my personal favourite is just to focus on the breathing...there are several studies that show that just breathing right can actually do wonders to our brains. And it really helps in relaxing.

Anxiety is actually psychological but its symptoms are physical. Once the psychological part is cured, you'd see that the physical symptoms will naturally disappear.