I have an ant problem...

in #ants8 years ago

So, this is kind of embarrassing to say, but I have an ant problem and I can't get rid of them.

My house is pretty clean as it is, I don't leave food laying about any more than the normal person who misses some crumbs from time to time.

I take the trash out even when it is not even full if there is any kind of food in it.

Basically there are not a lot of reasons why these little boogers have singled me out for making a home.

What have a I tried?

The first thing I did was google the problem, "how to murder ants", good ol google.

They recommended that in order to really get rid of the ants you have to get rid of the queen and destroy their colony. 

Ok, so I went to the store and picked up 5 poison tubs that contained food/poison that the ants were supposed to take back to the queen which would finish here off.

To my surprise, after I set the tubs of ant food/poison down, I returned the next day to see the ants swimming in it. Ok, not really swimming but it seemed to have no affect on them and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Now that is not what I wanted to see!

Upon further inspection of the food/poison, I read that it would take some time to really work, so I waited. 

Still the ants keep showing up day after day. 

This went on for about 5 days. Still not dying.

What next?

I went back to the store and bought some spray that kills the ants on contact and I also bought another package of ant food/poison that is supposed to work at killing the queen.

This is a different brand and hopefully one they won't enjoy playing in, like the last one. 

My plan now is to try that stuff today. It has been roughly 2 weeks since these guys started showing up.

Anyone have any advice or input?




I am the: @voiceofreason


Oww that seems like a ord of ants..
Id recommends fnding the source before doing anything esle.. Otherwise they wont stop popping out.
Try poison 💀 (im actually against killing). But in your case I don't see much alternatives.
Munch love-Goldie

Do you have a vote bot that follows you around?

If they're Argentine ants, you can forget it. They now own ur house. MOVE! Thats exactly what i am doing right this minute.

I am sorry to say but it sounds like you have them in your walls.
I do too!

My only solution has been to make offering to the ants.
I throw all compost able material nearby in my backyard, and I edge it further away from the house slowly but surely.
They've went away entirely.

If you need some help, I've become an ant expert, so if you tell me the type of ant (color, shape, size) I might be able to help give you an insight into how they operate.
If they're black-ants they're sane, rational agents.
If they're red ants they're aggressive but relatively rational.
If they're "ghost"-ants, you need to get yourself infested with black ants. Make offering and the black ants will come. They will chop those tiny ghost ants up and stay in their own territory where the offerings take place.
I'm serious.

I recommend a mixture of boric acid, sugar and water. Make a paste. Place it on a small tray or plate near where the ants are seen. They will take it back to the nest and the entire nest will not be a bother. It is also pretty harmless to humans so safe to use around the house.

Absolutely works. We had a real problem with small black 'sweet' ants and we tried store bought baits that were supposed to eliminate the source and they did work but only very briefly. Then my wife told me about the borax mixture and we made a batch. I went outside and tracked where they were coming in several places and set the bait down over several days. Then went out with a can of Raid ant spray and got rid of the stragglers. This was over two months ago and zero problem. Some are still in the walls but the main sources outside the home where they we coming in like a swarm are completely gone. My understanding is that you really need to identify what type of ant you are dealing with. Trap some on some tape and take it to an exterminator and they should be able to tell you. This borax remedy, for example, doesn't affect the small red ants I see from time to time in my yard or other types of black ants. It is my understanding that there are many different species of ants each with their own behaviors. Good luck.

Yes, I do this too, every spring when the ants come in the house. I also add cornmeal because it bloats their bellies and kills them quickly.

And it is not poisonous to pets, kids or adults. And it doesn't add harmful chemicals to our water table.

This made me laugh. They were swimming in the poison! Haha call an exterminator! make sure you don't have any food or crumbs left out. I once Had a problem with that in my car because I parked somewhere and I read that ant just keep working straight on. Meaning I was blocking their path to the nest but that didn't stop the! so somehow they got in my car and I couldn't get rid of them for three months and I tried everything.
Be careful with spraying those aerosol type cans are dangerous for you

Best of luck!Theres this gel that works wonders you can get in any mart. Also, sprinkle diatomaceous earth! I tried it and it works wonders! Here is a link to a site that explains more. https://www.diatomaceousearth.com/natural-indoor-ant-repellent/

I forgot about diatomaceous earth. That works great to keep them out of areas you don't want them in.

Thank you so much for sharing! We're experiencing the same thing at my house. I would also say the same thing, around 2 weeks was when a lot of them started showing up!

Help us, anyone? Haha!

I've had the same problem you're having, and it's real pain no matter what. The stuff you bought originally is probably your best bet, even though you will not see immediate results. You have to either 1)locate the queen or 2)slowly poison her through her workers. The brand I used was Terro, but any sugar water slow poison will probably work. You have to be patient, even 2 weeks to a month is not out of the question, but it's the only way to completely destroy them.

A couple of tips:
Find their point of entry, and place ample poison there to discourage them from exploring the rest of your home, try to avoid killing them off with sprays so they keep delivering the poison to their queen, and make sure you keep the poison readily available, they'll eat a lot more than you'd think.

If you have standard house (carpenter) ants, there are a few things you can do ...

First, resign yourself to the fact that these beasts live in your house. The nests (yes plural) are in the walls, under the foundation, and probably in the yard outside.

Second, eliminate sources of WATER in areas where you see ants gathering and create sources of water in areas where you would rather they be (waaay out in the yard!). Do this by wiping down sinks and tubs with a dry cloth and leaving drain plugs closed during the summer months when possible.

Third, cinnamon powder, lavender, diatomaceous earth, and Borax are all ant deterrents (all but lavender will actually KILL them). When I had ants in my aviary, I used a small tray of Borax and Powdered sugar (50/50) to encourage the ants to drag the borax into the nest and dry out the new larvae (this causes the queen to move her operation).

Fourth, find where ants are coming in and fill the hole with caulk. This won't stop them completely, but it will force them to find another entry point.

Failing all of those, hire a pest control service. A good one can minimize ants in a month or two.

This is what I was afraid of... sounds like a lot of work, ugh. Thank you for the advice though.

It can be a bit of work. On the other hand, doing it right the first time means next year in late spring you'll just need some cinnamon around the perimeter walls of your house and maybe a nice "ant bath" out toward your back fence to keep that nest outside where the ants can do their job.

you should use amdro. and not be so messy