Double Jabbed but Against Mandates = Anti-Vaxx?

in #antimandates3 years ago (edited)

I dislike politicians in general. Some of them can be better than others, but overall it tends to attract more of a power grabbing type of person. People who are attracted to having power will seek positions that give them power and authority over others.

That's why you find sociopathic and psychopathic personalities in the corporate environment who have no issue preying upon people in order to make money. The same is true for government ambition and the authority it grants. You can have an incredible amount of power over the lives of everyone beyond the scope of being in the corporate sphere. You just might not make as much money.

Some of these politicians are truly despicable in their imposition of power and authority that violates the rights of others. Some just sound plain crazy. At least to me. For example, Michael Gunner... Australian Politician:


This guy actually argues that if you've taken both the vaccines and support the vaccine from a position of freedom of choice to take the vaccine, but you are against mandating and foreseeing people against their will, then you are actually anti-vaccine.

The arguments he comes work with our laughably false when you actually look at the data. Children are the least at risk. More children have died of the flu in any previous year than of the novel coronavirus. But one of the big feverish arguments he makes is the need to mandate injections on teachers in order to protect children who can't be injected.

It's ridiculous. These guys act like they want to protect people, but all they are doing is violating people's rights and forcing something into them against their will. That's not something a good person does. Your not protecting anyone who can't be protected.

It could be that he's angry that people don't want to take something that he actually thinks is saving lives. Even though all the data shows that the vaccinated person is just as likely to contract the virus, and spread it to others, and most of the people who test positive in hospitals or the vaccinated, and you have just as much viral load as an unvaccinated person. His whole demeanor and aggressiveness seems like animosity towards those who dared defy the sanctified and holy authority that government is bestowed with.