I have devoted many hours & years listening to Molyneux. I don't too much anymore, but on occasion I do. He is very insightful and intelligent. However I feel he has sold out many of his principles, if he truly had them.
I had what I thought was a great group of friends in a FDR meetup group. Soon after I started questioning Molyneux I was ostracized from the group. Another member who held a similar perspective left the group.
I was very sad about it. I was very surprised at how quickly the group's attitude towards us changed.
Not that I'm trying to persuade you of anything. Chris Stefanic of "Choice Conversations" has a 5 part series titled *The Fall of Stephan Molyneux" that critically analyzes the shift in his public persona. It started around the time he appealed to youtube to take down a video based on some rather flimsy justification (IMO). He flat out lied to Joe Rogan about why his wife no longer appears on the FDR shows.
Larken Rose recently lambasted Molyneux and called him a liar.
I have lost a lot of respect for him, but not all. I still strongly believe in his position that the root cause of violence in the world is primarily due to flawed parenting.
Molynuex taught me a lot about life and philosophy, and although I distrust his motives now still believe he has much to offer the world. One just needs to be careful and discerning of his "truth" now.
I will chk out the video and perhaps comment more after I do.
Always appreciate your articles and opinion dwinblood, thx for your efforts!
I never really got onto the Molyneux bandwagon. I have liked some of his videos, others I have not. This one was good because of who the guest was, and the conversation they had was interesting. I don't actually have time to watch a lot of videos I much prefer to read as videos take me way longer to consume than reading. Yet this one was a topic that caught my attention and it was interesting enough that I actually watched the entirety.
I can understand why you were so captivated / intrigued with this conversation. It was the type of insightful and balanced convo I found so compelling when Molyneux was more of a truth seeker than a biased manipulator, who often doesn't give callers the empathy and basic respect they deserve.
In part I believe this convo was more balanced and exploratory than many b/c the caller's intelligence was a better match to Molyneux's, and he presented himself without dramatic emotions and irrationality. The caller came off as very open and sincere, and clearly well thought out which seemed to disarm Molyneux's desire to "make an example" of him as well as trying to steer and focus the convo on the caller's childhood and failure of parenting. That was indeed explored but not dwelt upon to consume the entire scope of the convo. The flow of the convo seemed very natural and genuinely inquisitive by both people.
If I had one main take away it would be that Molynuex didn't seem to be pushing the convo to highlight his own perspective, rather he allowed the caller to go where he wanted while acknowledging and answering the questions put forth to him.
Lastly I really commend the caller for his reason for wanting to share his story, that it might help others who are seeking truth but finding little of it in their circle of people. It was geared towards helping others escape the matrix they find themselves in to a higher plane of truth in "the real word".
Exactly. I have a challenge listening to many Molyneux videos in their entirety. This particular one kept me captivated for its entirety and thus was why I thought it worth posting about it.
I do like Molyneux fine, he has his flaws just like was all do, but generally his longer videos do not keep me rapt and focused like this one did. I believe it largely was for the same reasons you so accurately described in your reply.