jaguar.force (ilgiaguaro) is one person's fake project created by a user called @walden (or @earnest in 2016).
Walden is a vulgar, aggressive, misogynistic, manipulative, compulsively lying and bullying tard that got banned in Steemcleaners discord, altogether with all his other accounts we know of.
He has been perpetually bullying and insulting Steemians since 2016.
walden is a moron, ignore that fool.
You are right.
It's just that some Steemians are not aware of his other accounts.
mmm ok, but what does it have to do with plagiarism?
and I'm another person ...
The above case is not a plagiarism Walden!
Just like multiple of other bullying cases that you have been sending us in private messages. And you were explained tens of times why these cases are not plagiarism.
And this is just another account of yours Walden and you will not fool anyone, you tard.
I see that you have just joined our Discord with ilgiguaro too.
I am kicking out and banning this new account just like I did ban your other account jaguar.force.
I don't know your friend Walden...
So you can scribble Walden?
It looks that you plagiarised it from here:
look behind noob ... there is a stamp of the municipality of Rome
You must be really retarded to think that such thing would verify anything.
omg bro call me on discord...
Steemit users:

is it all plagiarism?
most of it is, yes
these are all Steemit users! Can all artists blame?
please send me more and with the links
those that you accuse people who are not related to plagiarism! learn the law, then you can continue to do your work!
you make me think that I should also analyze your profile.....
@ilgiaguaro learn the law! then you will talk to me!
@ilgiaguaro What do you think the elephant is against that I wrote this picture?
original photo:

original of my oil painting:
photographers are artists like you, you have to mention the source !!
I do not have to specify. This is a picture!
yes, you have to credit the author of the photo or at least the photo, and you have to get permission from the author if you are going to monetize derivative works of the photograph.
no no noooo!She should not indicate! She did not take this photo to herself!