Discussion - African Americans are Disproportionately Affected by Vaccines (how do you think this will affect you, wherever you live?)

in #anti-vaxx5 years ago (edited)

I live in Africa, so I have known this is one of the main ways the globs (like Bill Gates) are promoting their eugenics program.

Image taken from the TLB site, in an effort to promote them

I admit I have grown to see Gates as one of the most evil men in history - I did not start feeling that way when I learnt he is responsible for millions of non-white girls being sterilised. It was when I saw him smiling at a little girl with love as he vacinated/sterilised and used an experimental cancer causing ingredient (this was in India).

Can you imagine just how evil a heart would have to be to become like him? Even Hitler was more of a human being than this monster. And, guess what! The MSM know the truth but are supporting him!

Contributed to TLB by: The Children’s Health Defense Team

Check out this thought provoking discussion on how African Americans are disproportionately affected by vaccines leading to autoimmune conditions such as lupus and asthma. Panelists Curtis Cost, Sunayya Simon, Sister Battle and Frank Garry provide enlightening information on a little-investigated topic.

Read more at source: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/discussion-african-americans-are-disproportionately-affected-by-vaccines/

Here is the video (as in image above)

If you are feeling angry but also helpless, that you cannot do much to stop them, then here is something you CAN do. Take part in this march:

Source: https://unitedmmamv.com/

______A point worth making:_______

If you are against Mandatory vaccines (whether you are white or black - or any other colour) and you do not vaccinate your child(ren), you are likely to find CPS at your door and they will take away your children.... you do not believe me? Fine, but do your child a favour and take a look at #familyprotection to see to how many it is happening, right now!

Now ask yourself: What gives you immunity from them? Even being a millionaire does not guarantee you that they will not take your child.

I think that the best safety is in belonging to a group who will help fight for your child

My belief in Free Speech is my Shield

Posted: 27th January, 2020


Senseless conspiracy theories

This is the person who made his profound comment:


He joined last year April. During 9 months this is what he achieved. Despite his 14 posts, he hardly got noticed by anyone, so he is feeling grouchy and decided to make his comment...without any arguments or proof, as an a* all he could do is talk about senseless conspiracy theories - yet he posts about moslems in the UK - and his posts are further proof of how he does or does not think.

I guess it is part of the joy of being on Steemit, even people who have little to say to justify their existence, must be allowed to try and justify their existence in whatever manner they can.

So, go ahead, have fun. If you have anyone you love and they pay for what you said from being vaccinated, I guess your own words will condemn you more effectively than I can be bothered to.

The truth is, if you take a look at his posts, he is an extreme right wing and a racist. I guess he was enraged at seeing that I made public the information that people of brown and black skin are being targeted.

Well, I happen to not care, to me, ALL children are precious and I am happy to continue to fight people like him.

I don't give a rats ass about making money unlike you who makes shitty accusations because you are just a loser. You don't deserve anything more than 🖕

I give facts. I have personal experience, having worked with kids in Africa. I quote people like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr who has devoted his life to saving children.

Your mania, of defending the UK is commendable, but it does not give you the right to talk and behave like a member of Antifa.

You want to attack what I post? You are welcome to do so, but I will only give you respect if you debate like a reasonable human being, using logic and facts. I do not accept emotional abuse as being valid of anything than a show of bad manners and child-like tantrums.

Talk to me like an adult and I will respond in kind.

So...now you think that by downvoting me you can win? Nobody told you not to flag those with a higher Rep and SP than you? You are definitely now on the downhill slide, unless you remove your flag within the next hour.

Haaha who cares about that? Didn't you already know I am not like you who begs for attention? Go play with someone else