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RE: Irish Journalist Brenda Power Rips Ireland Over Its Antisemitism

the Irish suffered far less than other former British oppressed peoples that have transcended victimology and made a success of themselves.

The brits didn't murder as many of you as in other countries is hardly a strong opening argument for supporting a genocide.

And yes the irish government did have talks with the nazis at the time but at no stage supported the regime and many of our citizens fought on the battlefields against them. Even more second generation irish from America and other nations where despite being victims our people have worked their way to success in those countries. Never mind the success of our current population and nation who punches far above it's weight in all aspects of life and world affairs.

And for anybody basing their history on the bible they might as well be reading from the McDonalds menu. Go back far enough and both jews and arabs have a claim to the land. Go back further and it will change again.

I don't care about the religion or the politics of the situation but the actions of the Israeli government and troops should be condemned.

While there were some bad aspects of British Rule, it brought many benefits as well

You could say the same about the nazis if your German but the other people might disagree with you.

Of course joining the EU helped. How could it not. Being part of a larger organization with money and connections is always a bonus. Only an idiot would say otherwise but as always it means nothing without a hardworking and educated population.

Similar to how Isreal has been propped up by US funding for decades to provide a base for operations and an ally in that part of the world.