: the state or condition of a Filipino (Pinoy)
Ohoy [Hello] Steemians!
When I was waiting for my wife outside a local store in San Fernando City, I saw this "no begging" sticker posted near the entrance.
Here's an English translation of the law:
"In the city of San Fernando, it is illegal to beg! Do not give alms!
Anyone who violates the said ordinance will be subjected to penalties such as a fine (3000 PHP) or imprisonment! "
You could go to jail for giving alms [money, food, drinks, clothes, etc] to a street beggar. Do you even know that begging has been prohibited in your city?
The Anti-Mendicancy Law of 1978 was signed by former president Ferdinand Marcos. President Rodrigo Duterte, however, wants to abolish this ordinance. His statement: "I could not even see the rationale (behind the measure against) mendicants... One of the things I really hate is the prohibition of caroling, I tell you."
Let me hear your thoughts about this view. Please comment below. Thank you. ^^
Live great!

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