
Even playing Chess is bullshit. Just move your pieces randomly and you'll beat Garry Kasparov, because being a chess grandmaster is just a social construct and we are all the same. Yea, sure :)

this is again irrelevant. playing chess requires training in a specific subject. Being an introvert does not require training.

you need to upgrade your arguments

haha. This is so good! mud slinging at its best. Why care so much about IQ or some arbitrary number so we can compare amongst ourselves?


I.Q is bullshit

Not entirely, we somewhat know what to expect from someone with 70 100 130 or 160IQ

IQ is not bullshit at all. It is the best way we have to make a generalization of our capabilities. Lower IQ is even associated with lower impulse control and violence. Very high IQ is also associated with certain negative traits.

A person who scores 80 on an IQ test will NEVER be able to take a doctors degree. A person with 60 IQ will never be able to do manual labour without proper supervision.

IQ is probably the single most important tool we could use to improve everyone's lives. But it is so personal and "cold". It's so much shame connected to it, because it basically says; "You have an IQ of 80 and you can't become this and this and that" But rationally speaking it would be better for that person if he would accept that. My IQ is somewhere between 115-120. Which means I shouldn't go for certain things. I wouldn't be a great engineer. I probably couldn't get through a phd in maths or physics. My IQ has many limitations. I'm not incredibly bright. I'm a about a standard deviation above average. I understand some things, but there are tons of smarter people than me who look at me like a simpleton. And someone with an IQ of 80 is a simpleton to me. And someone with an IQ of 50 is a simpleton to them.

What's there to be so scared of?

Research on IQ is very well documented. But because of "hurt feelings" on behalf of others no one really pays any attention to it. It's a big mistake in my opinion.

No you can't because, yet again, is all about training and cultural relevance.

I debunk the whole thing with scientific studies here

according to the definition for intelligence on google intelligence is "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills." the ability to acquire skills is what IQ tests do though the use of Logic puzzles that anyone can do, that require no training. It's tests you on your ability to solve problems its culturally relevant because its a good way to measure the ability of people to figure shit out. and if people can do better on the tests with training then they can train themselves to be more intelligent

I think your problem is that everyone else is talking about this definition of intelligence, and I think that you mean something different when you say intelligence. You really need to define your terms if you want to have any kind of constructive dialogue otherwise everyone is just arguing past one another.

the ability to acquire skills is what IQ tests do though the use of Logic puzzles that anyone can do, that require no training.

if you can train and improve on them then they do aggregate training. I.Q tests are based on the western model of understanding the world. This is why most African countries have very low marks. This is why most indigenous people don't do good on them. Take any high I.Q person in such a country and they will starve to death because the environment requires different kind of intelligence.

and if people can do better on the tests with training then they can train themselves to be more intelligent

actually not. if they stop training the I.Q falls back. in other words, intelligence is nothing but gaining expertise on a specific way of thinking.

let me guess your I.Q. score didn't come back very positive, did it.

Let me guess. You have no idea how to argue the subject and resort to strawman fallacies.

FYI: 136