Thank you for giving this balanced view of the genders.
The debate will hopefully change it's course.
I'm a little.... how can I put it... tired of the heated debate that has been going on for so long in the public media. The "nature vs nurture" debate reminds me of the worldview, which considers life to be fateful, according to which a human being cannot do anything to escape that fate, everything is predetermined and influenced by external, higher powers (which is pessimistic or fatalistic or phlegmatic in its extreme).
And the other view is that creation is an act of management, of architecture, within which everything can be regulated and influenced and changed, in which nothing is impossible. Man as the maker, creator of his existence (which drives to maximum performance, appears aggressive and overestimates himself).
Both are extreme views to understand life, that from my perspective is so much more complex and inscrutable. Thank you for pointing that out.
Of course, the roles of people are much more than their genders and their diversity is a blessing than an obstacle.
How has it been in your life, have you personally been able to free yourself from dealing with a man or woman when it came to solving problems (no matter of which art), to get advice that you sought?
For my part, I think that people - often unconsciously - turn to the person they consider to be the most competent when, for example, they are in a crisis situation.
The roles in a person's life can be assigned in different situations. So one is good for this and the other good for another thing. There's no such thing as "one is good for everything" for me and it's just an exaggeration again. We often don't know what positive resources men and women have when it comes down to it, because we have begun to believe in the stereotypical roles.
My pain-point is where it comes to fertilization, pregnancy and giving birth.
I am highly suspicious of the increasing c-section rates in clinics. I see no way to stop that and it gives me worries.
I am thankful that you put your work in this topic and spread information.
Edit: Though I do find that male and female have certain gender related sources and roles which I really do not want to be equalized like they do not exist. Equalization is also misguided in this regard when people pretend that there are no differences.
Thank you for the excellent comment!!!
There was a point in my life when I when in a transition moving from one sector of employment to another and during this transition, I was unemployed and still studying the new degree, which left me at home during the day while my girlfriend was at work. Coming from a background in which the man brings home the bacon, this was a huge adjustment for me because now the roles were reserved as per what society or rather my background thought me. During those years is when I learnt personally that there are no differences in the abilities of the different genders.
Thank you, too for your appreciation.
I understand. That is really something. Pressure can be high when the roles are reserved and the comments one get's often should be spared.
As I see it it was good to have had this particular experience and you seem tolerant of it. To provide financially for one another as well as emotionally still do not have the same value. Also, in the course of life, it's problematic when a couple splits and the chain of give & take is broken. The roles can change within a lifetime several times and it is good to measure them within this wide frame.
I learnt the same you learned:)