Welcome to Antarctica - Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest II - Winners Announced

in #antarctica7 years ago


Thank Yous

Right off the top I have to extend my gratitude to the unstoppable @rhondak who survived a crippling computer crash but still managed to provide her invaluable critical skills to the event. I can’t thank you enough! In case you don’t know, @rhondak is tough as nails and is brutally honest in here assessments, so bring you’re A-game authors, she ain’t messing around. I would also like to extend a thank you to @carolkean for her time and contribution to the contest. Thank you!

I need to also acknowledge that the original idea for the contest came from my good friend @fortified in one of our many conversations on discord. I always enjoy our conversation and your exceptional work on Steemit.

I would also like to thank those who supported the contestant’s submissions on their own accord and fiction writing here on the blockchain. Thank you to @ramegirl, @ausbitbank, @curie, @blocktrades, @acidyo, and many more.

Special thanks to @hanshotfirst for contributing 10 SBD for the contest and to @animate for the original GIF image!

Finally, I want to say that I noticed a lot of comments of encouragement, feedback and support between the participants themselves. It was just amazing to see. I hope that these contests inspire more creative writing from you in the future.

The Participants

Thank you to all the participants, you are what makes these contests so special!


























Barack Obama, Santa Clause, Al Gore, John Kerry, Reptilians, Penguins, (Reptilian-penguins), the Elite, UFOs, Extra-dimensional travel, Giant Asteroids, Wormholes, Bunkers, Nazis, Ants & Ant-agonists, Global Warming, Aliens, Atlantis, Ritual Sacrifice, Ice, Snow, Wind and Subzero temperatures.

The Winners

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First Prize $50 SBD – Dance into the Divine


This journal entry styled submission starts off with the best line of the contest and doesn’t let up for a second. The overall mood of the story is beautifully captured from log entry to log entry. A tale of survival that conjures vivid images of a frozen wasteland and of mysterious happenings that leave the narrator in a chilling waking dream.
Hats off to you @jordan.lesich, a fantastic and mystifying story. A must read!


Best Line $10SBD

Please excuse my penmanship; I was forced to cut off my good writing hand with an ice hatchet. Frostbite had eaten its way into the bone. There was no blood.

• Resteem & Bonus Upvote from @v4vapid

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Runner-up Prize $30 SBD – Penguin Protocol

What can I say about @geke’s hilarious North Pole/ South Pole wormhole adventure, except that it flows expertly with perfect pace and comedic timing. As a political junkie, I loved this tale of the bumbling political duo of Gore and Kerry. I not only added a Runner-Up prize to properly recognize this effort but it also easily wins the Most Humorous and Best Tone and Style entry as well! This story is so much fun, phenomenal work @geke!


• Bonus resteem and upvote

Most Humorous $10 SBD

Best Tone and Style $10 SBD

Most Realistic $10 SBD

For the most realistic submission @therealpaul’s entry was selected. His piece asks us to open our minds to a novel theory surrounding the Antarctic region; the possibility of a hollow earth housing a technologically advanced species controlling our minds and the entire planet as well. Exploring these ideas is of course taboo, we’re conditioned not to speak of such things in a civilized society or face ridicule. An exceptionally pleasurable read evoking all sorts of treats for our minds to ponder.


• Bonus Resteem & Upvote

v4vapid — Steemit.png
v4vapid — Steemit(1).png

Bonus Upvotes

Choosing winners is never and easy task and I felt like there were a number of deserving entries.
Originally, I applied an even 10% upvote to all submissions but will be increasing my upvote for several entries I feel deserve special recognition.

Entries from: @creatr, @pulpworx, @steemedchitty, and @quietdeluxe.

To be fair to the other contestants, I had to disqualify a couple of entries for exceeding the word count of 1000 words and for submissions after the deadline.

A final note: Please consider joining and/or supporting up and coming fiction writers on Steemit. Please check out the Discord Fiction-Workshop moderated by @rhondak via the / MSP P.A.L. network.

Thanks Again to All Who Entered!

Keep Writing and Steem on!



This was such a great idea! I know a bunch of people had fun with this. Thanks for bringing the fun!!!

For every contest entry I've read over the course of my life that made me want to jump out a window, the winning entries in this contest made me want to dance with joy. NOT "Into The Divine," God help us, LOL, but the point is -- strong, strong, STRONG entries that deserve as much recognition as Steemit can give them. THIS is why we do contests here on Steemit. We always hope to suss out the strongest talent, and in this case, mission accomplished. :-)

Well said @rhondak, the winning entries deserve all the recognition for their hard work and word craft. I was also heartened to see the mutual support among the participants. Hopefully these types of contests can help build a strong thriving community of authors :)

Thank you so much for lending your time and energy, much respect.

nice photos love it. @v4vapid

congratulation on the winners.
the participants doing great and they give all effort and time to set their goals with love and passion on there work as they entry on the contest.love it..
it will build strong community and unity on all steemians.

thanks for sharing and giving us opportunity to express our self emotions and gain more confidence.

for that i give you my support and thumbs up of upvote

kindly see my post too? hoping for your kind consideration..

mrblu poem of love-please click it here ^_^

mrblu introduce myself-please click it here ^_^

mrblu politics-article please click it here ^_^

mrblu christianity-article please click it here ^_^

I really love seeing you and those you mentioned like @ausbitbank @acidyo and @fortified inspiring such great content here on Steemit and also providing so much funding for quality content.
I am continually grateful to see all the great content that you ReSteem up vote and inspire here on Steemit.
There is a lot of crap content and a lot of people who don't actually care about this community just what they can get out of it.
You are the opposite of this and I want to make sure that is known.

Bless Brother~*~

I had such a fun time with this contest .. I am no writer by any means but this really forced me to focus and use my brain .. I got frustrated and thought of stopping several times and even at one point had myself so frustrated I put my head in my hands and shed a tear .. on tear is all I would let myself shed .. I told myself that I would not quit, that no one likes a quitter .. I finished in the nick of time :) Thank you so much v4apid .. I had a lot of fun .. CONGRATS to the winners .. you all deserve it .. Love you Friends!!! SUNSHINE247

When I think of all the tears my writing has caused me... I totally get what you're saying @sunshine247. I'm so glad you didn't quit! I haven't yet read your entry, but I will. In the meantime, I can't recommend enough hanging out in the PALnet fiction workshop under the tutelage of @rhondak and @carolkean. If you think writing is fun then that's the place for you!

Thank you so much!!! I am definately going to check that out and I will let all my new friends there know that geke sent me :) Have a GREAT day Friend!! SUNSHINE247

Thanks for a really fun challenge, and for your kind and encouraging remarks...

The contest got my "fiction neurons" firing again. ;)



Your entry was excellent, really happy to hear that it stirred your creative side! Thank you again.

Congrats to all the winning entries.

Congrats to all the winners. It's awesome to be a part of the contest. There is some great talent here. Thanks for the opportunity. I'll be looking for the next one!

It's a shame I missed this. This sounds right up my street.

Very doubtful that I could have come up with anything as good as the winner's piece that I just read though. A great winning entry to a great competition. Very glad to stumble across some proper content here.

I like your posting .post is good. i want to be like you are a lot of fans. and i need your support in achieving the ideals in order to become a good artist. i need support from you.

beautiful guys!..the winner of the best opening line was so on point,more grease !

Huge congratulations to the winners!

Another great job by @rhondak, you are amazing.

Looks like it was a fun challenge! Maybe I'll take part in one in the future!

Boom! Well done winners, quite deserving. Loving the new content of story based points of view. Congrats to the winners and cant wait til your next contest. @v4vapid @rhondak & @fortified, keep em coming x

Upvoted and resteemed with absolute pleasure!

Totally love, love, love this competition!! I am off now to a Russian sauna in Bali's jungle but I will be thinking about how to write about the ice! I will enter one of the next competitions!

Who rocks??? You do @v4vapid!!!


I will be reading all entries when I have the chance! 😉

Jockey loves @v4vapid and All the contestants - well done team! xx

Thank you so much @v4vapid and @rhondak and @carolkean! I'm honored to be sandwiched in between two great writers: @jordan.lesich and @therealpaul (whose entry I didn't even see, but I've always loved his work - how did I miss his entry? off to upvote it now). I promise to use the generous prize SBD for good and not evil. I might even share it with @jimitations, where all the funny came from. 😃

Congratulations to the winners! Some great reads!

Hi @v4vapid - First off thanks for organizing such an healthy contest. Most of the people do copy/paste now a days, plagiarism is at its peak. But such contests degrade negativity in the world of writing.
Many Many Congratulations to the winners:
@jordan.lesich @geke & @therealpaul
Once again thanks for your efforts @v4vapid, You're really serving the Steemian community in the right direction.
By the way I just followed you and also this is my 1st ever comment on your any post. Regards!

Thanks @jawad09, one of the things I like most about creative writing contests is that what is produced is original content. If my contests help to stimulate peoples creative potential, I will keep doing more of these kinds of events. I'm an ideas person, and I love all the different perspectives that grow out of a simple seed.

Thanks for the inspiration dude. I look forward to the next one with anticipation. This one got my creative juices flowing and while I didn't win or place I really enjoyed the challenge of creating historical fiction. Keep on challenging us buddy it brings out the best in us as can be seen by the awesome quality of the entries.

Thanks for your kind words @v4vapid. And also sorry my SP is too low and my upvote can not give you a little reward from my side. Anyways my love and support will always with you towards your hard work. Keep doing good work for this wonderful community, This also guide and inspire the new comers(like me). Thanks alot for your support!

Excellent comment! I love it! UPvoted! 😝

Great work everyone. Good to see so many entries and styles.

OoOO will there be another contest? I would love to be a part of the next one.

Yes, of course there will be. I haven't decided on a theme or date yet so maybe in about a month's time. Would love to get a submission from you!

Aww perfect! I'll be on the lookout this time 😊

I want to say a big thank you to @v4vapid for providing us writer-folk with such an original platform for our ideas, and @fortified for coming up with the concept.

And I want to tip the hat to the judges @rhondak and @carolkean for going through all the entries. It must have been a tough decision because there were so many great reads here ( @geke, @steemedchitty, @therealpaul, to name just a few).

Also, I want to give a big ol'shout out to the MSP fiction workshop and all the editors who strove to make the story shine. If you're new to writing or steemit, or you want to make your story pop, these are the people to talk to. Seriously. You couldn't ask for a better community.

Thanks for reading everyone. I can't wait for the next contest.

I think I can not thank enough that this contest has made me rewrite. I have had a great time and I have read the work of real professionals. Many thanks to all who have made this contest possible.
And the work of @animate is awesome!

Yeah, I see you got on a roll there with parts 1-4, awesome! Glad you enjoyed the contest and thanks for making a great submission!

Yes! It seems that I will have to write at least two more to finish the story. And in the meantime enjoying it as if I were fifteen. Really thank you very much.

Dance into the Divine by @jordan.lesich was a great read.

congratzzz to all winners!

Congrats to all the winners 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Well, I am very interested in the next theme that you will hold. I'm very disappointed about my mistake yesterday. I hope to make it up to the next theme and I will definitely contribute

@v4vapid Steemit is gonna adjust a great deal of lifes, it's transformed mine and several Other folks but that is certainly just the start..

many many congratulations to all :)

Great contest, great writers. My congratulations to all winners. :-)


Nice post
Thanks Information

It's a really fun challenge, thank you for your precious informations,
I'm happy for all the winning entries.

Nice contest really interesting

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Will there be another contest? I would also like to participate!

Thanks for the contest! I had lots of fun writing and it's great to be given a podium from which to reach more people. Congrats to @jordan.lesich - I told you that you deserved more recognition, and you got it! Looking forward to more contests.

Wow..thank u for sharing~! Have a nice day :)

This is an interesting contest!! I love to participate. Thank you for the informative post

Congratulations to the winners! I just found this post and noticed a bunch of people who must have submitted entries after I had checked out the competition, so have not read their submissions yet. However, @therealpaul did have his submission in and I have read it and am happy to see that he won. After reading his, I knew mine wouldn't have much of a chance. Great stuff and a wonderful contest! Thanks @v4vapid for making this contest.

Congratulations @v4vapid!
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Wow great, contest on fiction sounds good. I want to participate, but don't know how to do it. If I will get the idea.

A very big congratulation to all the winners. This time I am late and cannot participate in it but next time I will surely take part in it.

you have a short space but your mind is large.

Antarctica has always been a place that is full of myths. It is so resource rich and full of untold stories that just make more and more men eager to explore its true hidden potentials.