Daily #1 - The Beginnings
I started feeling that maybe, just maybe, I should change profession and leave arts behind.
This was due to the lack of personal artworks that would engage me directly with the piece. But yesterday I decided to change that and add a new habit of getting a design or illustration or both a day. Something random, something of my interest, something that would keep me engaged.
So last night, before going to sleep I decided to start, and what a better way to start that drawing something we all love... dragons!
A friend of mine was responsible for making me feel encouraged enough to make this happen. Thanks a lot, George! Your amazing recent pieces of art are beyond encouraging and inspiring.
Let's keep it up, mate!

(All the images in this post are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)

Como no amar a los dragones?
Me alegra que siguieras en el arte, eres una persona muy talentosa,Tu amigo es un gran amigo hhehe.
Ademas tus dragones son cuchis.!