Why I love Nana

in #anime7 years ago


If you've never heard of the anime "Nana" before, you should definately watch it now! Nana is definately something for friends of good music! (Nana has a punk rock band, and you will love the music - guaranteed!)
If you are interested, here's more about the story (Spoiler):

"Nana" revolves around the lives of two girls who share the same first name: Nana. Komatsu Nana is an eccentric girl who has this nasty habit of falling in love with every cool guy she sees. She is a reeeeally clumsy girl, but super cute, because she's so honest with everything. On her way to Tokyo, she meets the punk rock vocalist Osaki Nana, who is the opposite of Clumsy Nana..Nana is the singer of the punk rock band "Black Stones" and in a bizarre twist of fate, these two girls called Nana ended up living together and not only they share the same name and apartment, they're both looking for a meaning of their lives...

Here's a link to the music from Nana :) :


I'm listening to the music on the video you shared now, it rocks! Sounds a little like the music on RWBY which I really like. I will have to check out Nana, thanks!

You wont regret it :) i like the style of nana a lot. One my fav animes for sure! ;)