almost everyone upvoting this guy is one of the authors own bots! he even talks to himself in his posts.
Don't waste an upvote on this garbage excuse for a human being!!!!
He has over 50 bot accounts I have reported them all to @steemcleaners and #steemabuse
He went on a bot downvote rampage yesterday and downvoted several witnesses and top dawg steemians by mistake during his fit...
other bot accounts tied to him:
Main Account reputation 45: @thatanimesnob
@oxva @fahhad @copperfield42 @fnalt @despair @gamaran @deadscribe @endymionhawk @omegareviews @blaevy @panaka @shadowpriest @cio @kekmeister @gosc101 @lmp97 @sexypajamas @noisemakerxiii @lusulpher @gen1950 @tohigubopva3 @benbasstion @bellumregius @kehsihba @kalp456 @reidysmeidy @saekka @boldnessofsouls @alistel @hououinkyouma @cauliflower91 @aranagordis @marz666 @loruapollo @lojekama
You said in YOUR OWN TOPIC that you will not continue this and that you will ignore me. You lied.
Those are not bots. They are my Youtube followers showing their appreciation with likes.
You do this because you are butthurt for the justified downvote I gave to your trash Dragonball topic
How ironic, it has been explained countless of times that those aren't bot accounts but you continue "ignoring" the facts. This thread describes you pretty well XD
Are you really that retarded?
This is pathetic.