Pichu Brothers Campfire

in #anime6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! I'm here with another drawing, and this time of Pokemon that were in gen 2. Let's get to it.

Here is what it looks like finished:


And now for the process:

My initial idea was actually to just have the Pichu brothers (remember them? 😌) on their own sitting around a campfire, one eating whilst the other is ready to toast a marshmallow. However over time I eventually ended up sketching in other random pokemon that were in gen 2 not entirely exclusive to it.

The pokemon are as follows: The Pichu Brothers, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita, Caterpie, Venonat, Furret, Misdreavus and Celebi. Weedle was originally going to be on the stump behind Pichu but it looked like he was too near Pichu's butt... so I cut that out.

So I ended up having Cyndaquil as the fire, and Totodile splashing a puddle. Chikorita would be laying down looking cute and Furret would be poking it's head over. Misdreavus would be looking Mysterious behind a tree and Celebi would be flying in the back. Lastly Caterpie would be wriggling round the side of the central tree trunk, and Venonat would be bashfully hiding behind the tree.


As you could see the first rough sketch had Chikorita looking quite terrifying and Cyndaquil looked like he needed to take a dump. So what I did was go over the background outline as much as I could with a Multiliner as that was easier for me to see the sketches of the Pokemon.

Afterwards I began sketching over them with more details, adding facial features and a little bit more shape and personality.



I then went over with pen, adding more details to the background bushes along with the grass. I cleaned up any rough lines and then began to ink in more details to the trees first before anything else as that was what I was most content with in appearance.

The details I added were lines the the bark, trying to make it look wack but cool and somewhat detailed at the same time. Afterwards I inked in any details that would be black, such as The Pichu Brothers features and eyes.





It starts to look rough here, as I begin to quickly add the flat colours of each feature of each pokemon. I'm going to list all the colours used here, starting now:

(If you don't care about the colours I used then skim over this)

Pichu Brothers:
-Cadmium Yellow (Fur)
-Deep Scarlet Red (Pouches)


  • Cream (Underneath)
    -Cobalt Turquoise (Top)
    -Deep Scarlet Red (Flame)
    -Cadmium Orange (Flame)

-Light Green (Skin)
-Pale Geranium Lake (Eyes)
-Earth Green Yellowish (Leaf)

-Light Ultramarine (Skin)
-Cream (Chest)
-Rose Carmine (Tongue)

-Burnt Ochre (top)
-Cream (Underneath)
-Rose Carmine (Tongue)

-Leaf Green (Body)
-Middle Purple Pink (Antenna)
-Cream (Eyes)

-Mauve (Fur)
-Magenta (Eyes and mouth)

-Cobalt Turquoise (Body)
-Deep Scarlet Red (Eyes)
-Cream (eyes)
-Magenta (top of head)

-Earth Green Yellowish (Head and body)
-Dark Phthalo Green (Top of head and underneath)

(All of the above colours are from Faber-Castell)


I then began shading, starting the the Pichu's, I used Yellow Ochre to shade around the ears, head and arms. Then proceeding to use Burnt ochre to add some warmer tone to the shading.


(The following colours are all from Prismacolor)

Then for the remaining Pokemon, I shaded in the same method using Sand for the underneath of Cyndaquil and the chest of Totodile, as well as for Furret's fur. I used Olive Green as well as Grass Green to shade the green areas of Chikorita, Caterpie and Celebi.

For Misdreavus and Totodile I used Blue Copenhague and Violet to shade their bodies. I used Burnt Ochre again for the Sandy areas of Furret and Cyndaquil to once again add a warmer tone.

I used Peacock Blue for the top of Cyndaquil and the proceeded to shade his flames using Crimson Lake and Pale Vermilion. And lastly for little Venonat I used Violet Blue to shade the fur and Crimson Lake for the eyes and mouth.


I then moved on to colouring the foliage, using Dark Phthalio Green and Grass Green to shade the appropriate areas. I then used Light Green to add a little more tone to it.


I then used Light Green to colour the grass and began shading with Earth Green around the tree and stumps. I then blended the shading out using Leaf Green. After, I applied Light Blue and Helio-blue Reddish to the puddle that Totodile was splashing.



I used Light Umber as the base for the tree trunks, shading over time with Dark Brown and Dark Umber in the cracks of the tree. I then coloured over in strokes of areas that I wanted to be slightly highlighted, using Burnt Ochre. I didn't blend the colours using a white pencil because I liked the texture it gave off.


I used the same colours for the stumps but this time blending them. I then used Mauve, Magenta, Cadmium Orange and Cadmium Yellow to create a background behind the trees and bushes. Going for a gradient set feel.


Lastly, I used a white ink pen to go over and add details to everything, such as the The trees and bushes as well as outlining areas of each pokemon.

Here it is finished:


🥁Thanks for stopping by to take a look!🥁


This is really cute <3 Great work too! I like the shading a lot.