Fish feel pain too!!!

in #animalwelfare8 years ago

Billions of fish are killed each year for food. An estimate of 300,000 of these animals are cetaceans (Dolphins, whales and porpoises), which are accidentally caught in nets as they are simply in the 'wrong place at the wrong time' and consequently die! Also as the result of the fishing industry many birds, seals and Turtles also die from the injuries caused by nets and tackle.

Many argue because fish look different to us, they mustn't be able to feel pain or be able to show affection. Yet Humans and fish have many things in common. Fish have a very similar nervous system to humans and can feel pain, yet they are still slaughtered with no regard to their welfare and are even denied basic rights of protection that land animals raised for food receive. As a result fish suffer in the most horrific of conditions where they slowly suffocate on the decks of boats or are cut open while still conscious. They also have similar traits to Humans such as they often live in complex social groups, have distinct personalities, are able to learn and remember new information, develop personal relationships, and experience pain and fear when harmed. They are also capable of showing affection but rubbing against each other and are able to communicate using a range of low-frequency sounds.

When the fish are caught they are often chucked on to piles of ice on deck to slowly asphyxiate (suffocate), freeze or be crushed to death- an incredibly cruel way for cold-blooded animals to die. Scientists have estimated that it could take up to 15 minutes before these animals can lose consciousness ( a tormenting, slow and painful death).

Many of the fish ripped away form their ocean home suffer from rapid decomposition, which can rupture their swim bladder, pop out their eyes or force their internal organs out through their mouth. And in the so called 'non-cruel' catch-and-release fishing up to 43% of the fish dint survive due to the trauma of being hooked and yanked out of their natural environment.

Not only is this industry cruel and inhumane but due to over fishing, numbers of fish are falling drastically and many species are on the brink of extinction.

This treatment towards fish would not be accepted with land living creatures this is due to it being 'accepted' that these animals can feel pain and show emotion; yet fish share many human features but have no animal welfare protection and are murdered in the cruellest of ways. Giving sea creatures the same rights land living animals are given is only fair and would be a step in the right direction, but would only be the beginning for the fight for freedom for both land and sea living creatures.