
Hey @mjnb! It's great to meet fellow cat lovers such as yourself :D that is so kind of you to be a cat fosterer!

What a cheeky little kitty cat we have here!! She looks adorable and it's great to hear she stayed with her sister and they are in a loving home, all thanks to you :D the world needs more people like you!

Kind words. And sadly we live in a world where people can be cruel and mistreating of animals. I don't know how it is where you live, but here the number of animals being picked up by animal rescue spikes during the holidays. Just because people don't care. And that's why I have fostered as much as I can. But this one might have been the last. We had her and her sister for three months and we got too attached.

Sadly there are plenty of strays around the general county here, we rescued our dog (the way in which he arrived at the dog shelter was appalling) and if we could afford to we'd probably bring in many more. I can see how fostering could be complicated, it's impossible not to get attached.

I remember when I was a young girl I brought home a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest, I was devastated when it was strong enough to fly off and leave so I feel you on that.
Every life is precious and if we can help then we should <3