I wonder how they would act if I took off running and screaming! You sure find some amazing animals over there.
The only thing I can think of similar in my life was when I lived in South Florida and worked for a condo complex. One of my jobs was to walk the complex each day and check to see if we had any alligators in the canals that surrounded the place. I always had my heart in my throat each time I looked down into a canal.
I usually found a small one a couple of times a month and they never noticed me. The next step was to call animal control out the get them.
Then one day my boss did the task and there was a huge one right in the parking lot! After that, the job went to the maintenance guys.
Humans need to be aware of which animals originally lived on the land, then how to protect ourselves. You do hear of unusual things conflicts happening around the world with wildlife. Calling in animal control, people who know how to handle the animals without hurting them is the best solution @fitinfun