The Chotacabras Cuellirrojo is a summer visitor that returns in the spring to the Iberian Peninsula to raise. It is of crepuscular habits and it is detected in spring by its song and by the courtship of the male that makes a peculiar noise when striking one wing against the other while chasing the female. Once they start to incubate, it is almost impossible to see them, unless we pass near where they rest and take flight. They trust fully in their perfect mimicry to go unnoticed and hold without getting up until it is less than 2 meters from them. At the end of the summer they begin to migrate towards their winter quarters in Africa and it is easier to see them perched on the roads and highways, the habit of standing still in the middle of the roads causes many to be run over. All the photographs, except those of flight that are made with a compact with x24 zoom, were made with the digiscoping technique.
Red-necked Nightjar, Caprimulgus ruficollis, Red-necked Nightjar
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