Growing up, I was always fascinated by unusual animals. While most kids wanted dogs or cats as pets, I had my sights set on something a little more exotic. For my 14th birthday, I convinced my parents to let me get my first scorpion. Nearly a decade later, I still have fond memories of caring for my fearless little friend.

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Of course, keeping any creature as a pet does require responsibility. Scorpions are no exception. For starters, you'll need to properly house your scorpion. Most types do well in decently sized glass terrariums, somewhere around 10 gallons for an adult scorpion. Make sure to include substrate at the bottom like coconut fiber, along with a water dish and some driftwood or rocks for hiding places. Heating and lighting are also important. Using a heat lamp or under-tank heater helps maintain the proper temperature range. Scorpions are nocturnal so don't need daytime lighting.

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You'll also need to feed your scorpion appropriately. Most pet species do well eating crickets, roaches, or worms that are dusted with calcium powder a few times a week. I'd keep my scorpion's food in a separate dish from its water to avoid any issues. Removing uneaten food after a day helps keep the enclosure clean.

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When it comes to handling, scorpions are not the cuddliest animals. Still, once your scorpion gets used to you, it may become more comfortable being gently picked up. Always wash your hands before and after, as scorpions can sting if threatened. Their venom is seldom life-threatening to humans but can cause localized pain and swelling, so be careful. I always used long tweezers or forceps for transfers in and out of the terrarium.
Some key things I enjoyed about keeping scorpions were watching their unique predatory behaviors at night, seeing their color patterns and pincers up close through the glass, and feeling a sense of calm from taking care of an unusual yet fairly low-maintenance pet. Of course, the responsibility was also rewarding. My old scorpion molted multiple times over the years as it grew, which was amazing to observe.
If you're looking for a unique pet experience, consider starting with your first scorpion. Just be sure to do your research beforehand on proper housing, care, feeding and handling. With the right precautions, I think more people would appreciate these fascinating arachnids.