So you've decided to adopt a little raccoon, huh? Well congratulations, friend - you're in for a fun, quirky pet. Raccoons make entertaining companions but also require some special care. As an owner, it's important you understand raccoon behavior and needs.
Photo source: on Freepik
Let me give you a rundown on what to expect with your new furry friend. Raccoons are active, inquisitive creatures who love to explore through touch and taste. Make sure to raccoon-proof your home by securing any food, trash, or small dangerous items well out of reach. They can get into all sorts of mischief if not properly entertained and occupied!
Photo source: on Freepik
For housing, raccoons need an adequately large, secure cage. The enclosure should have different levels for climbing as well as hiding spots. Be sure the materials can't be chewed or damaged. Outside the cage, only allow free roaming time under close supervision. Raccoons will get into everything, so chose stimulation over stuff you care about.
Photo source: on Freepik
When it comes to diet, raccoons are omnivores. A high-quality commercial raccoon food is best, supplemented with fruits and veggies. Always wash produce thoroughly before serving. Also provide a constant source of fresh water. Unlike dogs or cats, raccoons do well with live feeders like crickets or mealworms as occasional treats. Just be sure to promptly remove any leftovers.
Grooming is also important for raccoons. Check their coat and skin regularly for fleas, ticks or injuries. Trim nails when they get too long. Bathe only when truly needed since getting wet can be stressful for them. Most importantly give your raccoon lots of affection! They thrive on positive interactions and feel most secure with an owner they trust.
Does this help give you an idea of what to expect as a new raccoon parent? Let me know if any part of their care is unclear. And enjoy getting to know your quirky new friend! They really do make entertaining and amusing pets.