Fact of cats that you may not know

in #animals8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemian
Today I would like to share information about you about the cat and its unique facts, I hope you enjoy
A cat is also called a domestic cat or a house cat (scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a carnivorous mammal of the Felidae family. The word "cat" usually refers to a "cat" that has been tamed. But can also refer to "big cats" like lions and tigers.Cats are one of the most favored animals by humans, at least since 6000 BC, the ancient Egyptians from 3500 BC have used cats to keep away from mice, or animals from other rodents from the harvest.

Today, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. Cats whose lineage is officially listed as pheasant or pure breed, such as persia, siam, manx, and sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in official animal care. The number of race cats is only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest are cats with mixed breeds such as wild cats or cats.

Here are the unique facts about cats that we may not know yet.

  1. The cat has about 30 teeth in its mouth.
  2. Cats sleep the longest among other animals, about 16 hours.
  3. Cats with white feathers and blue eyes are usually born deaf, yet their other senses develop instead.
  4. In the animal kingdom, cat IQ can only be passed by monkeys and chimpanzees turned out to be very clever cat or Persian cat.
  5. Cats are more likely to survive if falling from the 20th floor than 7th floor. The reason is because the cat takes the equivalent of 8 levels to realize what is happening, calm and correct its position
  6. Same with the frequency of diesel engines that are not working, the cat mutter 26 rev / sec
  7. Mustache in cats is very sensitive and can feel even small changes in air pressure. This ability makes the cat can use it as an alternative guide to move in the dark when he can not see.
  8. All cats walk on tiptoe, including Persian cat or Persian cat.
  9. Although cats have 5 fingers on their front legs, they only have 4 fingers on the hind legs. But in some cats can be born with many fingers to 7 even with extra bone.
    10.When the cat is 6 months old, it is equivalent to 10 years of human age.
  10. If you need UV rays to see, just use cat urine, because their urine is burning in the dark.
    12Do you know, cats (Felis silvestrid-catus), especially the house cat is one of the world's most powerful predator animals. This cat can kill and or eat several thousand species, beating big cats (like lions, tigers, and the like) that can only eat less than 100 species. But because the size is small, it is not harmful to humans. But still very dangerous if this cat is infected with rabies.
    13 Cats have been associated with human life for at least 3500 years. At that time the ancient Egyptians had used cats to ward off rodent pests and other rodents from their crops. However, believe it or not, in this world there is only 1% of the cat population in the world that includes pure strains or race cats. The rest is a mixed cats from various races or ordinary that we call as a village cat. Therefore, race cats are among the most commonly sought and expensive cats.
  11. In Indonesia, the sound of cats is often written with the word "Meong".
    In English used in America, the sound of cats is often written with "Meow". In the English country itself, the sound of a cat is written "Miaow".
  12. Cats usually weigh between 2.5 to 7 kg and rarely exceed 10 kg, unless fed over, the pussy can weigh 23 kg. In captivity, cats can live for 15 to 20 years, where the oldest cat is known to be 36 years old! Wild cats that live in a modern urban environment can only live for 2 years or even less.
  13. Cats are very clean animals. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair. Saliva or their saliva is a powerful cleansing agent. But can trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes cats spew some sort of hairball or hair rolls that accumulate in their stomachs. Meanwhile, cats can store energy by sleeping more often than other animals. The length of cat sleep varies between 12 and 16 hours per day, with an average rate of 13-14 hours. But not infrequently found a cat who slept for 20 hours in one day.
  14. Believe it or not, in medieval cats are considered associated with magicians and often killed by burning and thrown
  15. The smallest type is the hairy cat spots found in Sri Lanka. The size is half the size of a village cat. Meanwhile the biggest cat is a tiger. Siberian male tiger or Amur tiger has an overall body length of more than 3m (10 ft) and weight up to 300kg (660 lb).
  16. In the cat's eye there is a reflective layer of light called tapetum lucidum, which causes the cat's eyes to glow at night. This reflective layer can absorb light 6 times stronger than the human eye, allowing the cat to be able to see in the dark.
  17. The cat moves with both of her left legs, while on the run with both her right legs. The only animals that do this are giraffes and camels.
  18. Cat has 30 vertebrae, that is 5 times more than human
  19. Cats have 230 bones, which is 24 times more than humans
  20. Cats do not have collarbone, so lets go through the gap width of his head
  21. The body flexibility of the cat is amazing, its front legs can be rotated in all directions and half of its body can move in the opposite direction
    26.Surcer hearing is more sensitive than humans and dogs. Limit of cat hearing 65 khz, while humans 20 khz
  22. Cats have the largest eyes compared to other mammals (in relation to the size of the body)
  23. Cat can not see in total darkness, but the sharpness of her eyes at night is very good. Cat eyes have a light reflecting layer called tapetum that can serve to strengthen the incoming light of the retina.
    29.Close view of cat 185 degrees
  24. Cats have a sense of smell of 20-80 million olfactory cells, while humans are only 5-20 million
    Normal pulse pulse between 110-170 pulses per minute (if you want to check the pulse do in the hamstrings in the joints that connect the legs with the body)
  25. Cat breathes as much as 20-40 times per minute
  26. Body temperature of normal cat 102 ° F or 38.8 ° C
  27. Village cats can run at 31 miles per hour
  28. Cats have a very sensitive nervous system.
  29. Cats can jump to a height of 5 times his height.
  30. Each cat has a very distinctive nose pad, so there will not be two cats that have the same nose prints


The yellow color is my cat ()

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Source :

https://popopetshop.wordpress.com/kucing/info-kucing/43-fakta-unik-tentang-kucing/ https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kucing http://carboonj.blogspot.co.id/2012/03/23-fakta-kucing-yang-jarang-diketahui.html


Nice information. Keep going