My Pets!

in #animals7 years ago

Hello fellow Steemians.

It has been a while since my last post. I have been super busy at my shops for the past 2 weeks. It has been crazy.

Today i would like to introduce to the Steemit world, my pets. 

I have 2 cats. named Iggy and Rollo. 

Iggy is a Orange tabby cat, And Rollo is a fat grey tabby cat. 

Both were rescues from the local animal shelter here in Reno NV.

Rollo chose us when we were looking at cats to adopt from the shelter. When we walked into a open cat area of the shelter Rollo came running up to my girlfriend Kristen and started playing with her dress. So he was definitely coming home with us that day. 

iggy was a little over a month old when we found her at the shelter. She was a very timid and scared of everyone, even us. I didn't mind that at all though. We both knew she would grow out of that phase. 

Now both cats are happy and in a great home. they definitely won the jackpot with us lol.

Most pictures are recent of them

Rollo is 4 years old and Iggy is coming up on 2 years old. 

They both love to sleep outside on our balcony. 

When ever i am inside the office, either catching up on business paper work or the crypto markets, Rollo jumps onto his cat house and watches me lol :]


Even when i finally get to unwind and relax on the couch for a little bit, Rollo is there

Iggy always likes to do her own thing, either soaking in the sun on our balcony or running around the apartment.

Rollo Stretching lol 

We also have 2 Gold fish in a 40 gallon tank.

they don't really have names lol, we usually just call them by their color. 

Unfortunately the Orange goldfish is sick with fin rot at the moment. :[ i am doing all i can to help it recover. He should get better soon. unfortunately it take a long time for a fish with fin rot to recover fully. 

Leaving my house mid day yesterday i noticed a family of deer crossing the street. i was able to take a few pictures of them. 

My family and I have always been animal lovers. growing up i always had at least 2 dogs and 2 cats at all times. unfortunately with my busy schedule i cannot have any dogs at the moment. Very soon how ever i will be in a place in life where i can start to slow down and enjoy life. 


Maybe Iggy and Rollo would like to enter my contest?

I'm looking for catlovers that want to join my #caturdaycollagecontest 😊.

Interested? Check it out: