Five Year Anniversary - Adopt Don’t Shop

in #animals7 years ago

So this post is neither running or adventure related but it’s my little lady’s fifth adoption anniversary and I love her so much I’m posting about it.

The photo on Petfinder that started it all

Five years ago, this sweetheart came in to my life with a slew of warnings from her foster mom. No touch, talk or eye contact until calm, careful around children, etc etc. Lots of people passed on her but I gave this girl a chance and she picked me right back. While she can be quite the trouble maker and is too smart for her own good, she’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever known. A lot has changed in the last two years, she’s blind and deaf now, and she spends most of her time sleeping but I love her more and more every day. Thanks for choosing me, Bea.

Happy 5th gotcha day!

Bea in her younger days

She’s a sleepy granny now

My Christmas present so I can take her on hikes

Trying on some googles to protect those eyeballs

Smoking kills