in #animals7 years ago (edited)

I was riding along in my Jeep, going to the supermarket to get, you guessed it "Cat Food" when I spied this Black Squirrel. I immediately pulled over to take some pictures. A Black Squirrel in this neck of the woods is unheard of.




They are a mutation of the Eastern Gray Squirrel and were once a rare sighting. There are pockets where they are quite common, in parts of Ontario Canada, Ohio and Northern Wisconsin.

I started snapping pictures until the squirrel went deeper onto a homes property. I got back in the Jeep and started to pull away, when a burly, bearded guy came walking briskly over to me. He was coming from a business next to the home. He shouts out, are you taking pictures. I pulled back in and answered, YES sir.

I get out and explain that I was taking pictures of a Black Squirrel. His scowl turned to a grin as he stated telling me he to enjoyed watching the rare squirrel. He said there were two but one got run over. He knew so much I asked him if he lived in the house were the squirrel was running around the yard. Yes he said, and I was welcome to walk around the property a take as many pictures as I wanted. So here are some more pictures. I didn't get a shot I wanted and the "Black" guy quickly went to the next yard with a Gray companion.




When I got home I checked out Black Squirrels on the computer. There I found a squirrel rarer, a "WHITE" squirrel.
Check out this video on WHITE SQUIRRELS. Now I must get some pictures of them.........


What a mystery animal! Great post.

What a great story. Never knew there were both black and white squirrels. We have red ones but mostly the grey ones.
That guy calmed down quickly luckily lol

Yeah worked out good. I still have all my teeth.

I have never seen a black squirrel so this was a real treat. My nephew saw an albino groundhog a couple of months ago. Glad that guy didn't give you any trouble. : )

It's ok I know where to get cheap dental implants.

HaHa! The things we do to get our photos! : )

I guess we lose a few steemians in similar situations.