My dog is my art partner:) When I draw at home - she lies next to me, when I draw outside - she goes with me to. While I'm painting pictures on plain air she plays with her friends or just warms herself in the sunlight.
It was so from the very beginning and we even had an accident. I was painting with oil and distracted only for a second - and she took away a tube with yellow oil paint. Thanks God there was almost no paint in there, but I had to take her to the vet anyway. From that time I never leave my oil paints unattended.
When I paint with watercolor she loves to jump directly in the palette. Belive me, nothing adds more bright colors to your appartment then a dog jumping in the paint:)
Sometimes I draw traditional japanese art, and I use special rice paper. And my beloved shaggy muaale often thinks, that it's real rice. So I have mo such paintings to show:)
Sometimes I draw lying on the floor. In that case I use a pillow to lie on. And if I get up for more then a second - she occupates it:)
Sometimes she insists to take part in whole process. In that case I have to share a part of my working table with her.
When I prepare my art for exhibitions - she's my main critique in the selecting process
No idea how I would create at all, if she wasn't with me:)
Thank you for watching:)
Love, Inber
Can life get any better? Your muse and your best friend doing what you do best. Delight in your space and talents.
:) So true, she's really my muse:)
Awh dogs are just the best 😀
Looks like you got yourself a great little helper and inspiration!
Yep, she's like that:)
Great post. You have such an awesome relationship with your dog <3
Here I told only about art:) But she also is an awesome healer and psychotherapist:)
I know this feeling. I also grew up with a dog who was more of a brother to me. I think animals are very aware of the emotional state of the situation and since most of them are nice and lovely they want to make you happy all the time :)
She really does. She knows and feels everything. When I had a really hard wisdom tooth extraction she slept all the night with her chest on my cheek, warming me:)
Does she pretend on сo-authorship? I think you have to pay Astrucha her part of royalty! :)
She gets enough, belive me:)
She's a little cutie! I've got a monster (around 100 lbs) a shepherd/lab mix named Bruno. He goes everywhere with me- except in the car, he hates the car.
She's just too cute!!