Did such a cat see before?

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

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This actually reminded me of a fictional story of a girl with such traits, where she was born of the union of angel and demon.

But of course, that was just fictional and I suppose the writer must have been inspired by these phenomenon combinations across the world to have written such an interesting Hong Kong TV series.

That cat is quite a beauty, though it actually takes a while to adjust to looking at both sides at the same time instead of darting my eyes from the golden yellow eye to the cold blue eye.


(to protect your integrity of research and report such an interesting find)ps: If this is not your own photos, please remember to state the source of the photos @hasan086

A cat will tremble or shiver when it is in extreme pain.

The cheetah is the world's fastest land mammal. It can run at speeds of up to 70 miles an hour (113 kilometers an hour).

only for max 300 meters, then it stops otherwise it's heart explodes

Cats' eyes shine in the dark because of the tapetum, a reflective layer in the eye, which acts like a mirror.

Ailurophile is the word cat lovers are officially called.

The first commercially cloned pet was a cat named "Little Nicky." He cost his owner $50,000, making him one of the most expensive cats ever.

In ancient Egypt, when a family cat died, all family members would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.

The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. You can also learn about your cat's present state of mind by observing the posture of his tail.

A female cat will be pregnant for approximately 9 weeks or between 62 and 65 days from conception to delivery.

What an awesome cat!!!

that's a weird cat, but so lovely

You have two cats in one, It was on sale?
He is charming in his beauty

No i dont see before it is nice to see

It looks like a wild animal, something horror...

Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @hasan086!

  • Comments - Ranked 8 with 38 comments

What a cool cat not into follow social media but great to see these shots of him!

Sharing upvote and all you deserve Mr CaT

Nice cat.

Interesting pics & thanks for the follow

Chimerism is a very interesting phenomenon. it is caused by the fact that creatures with a male and a female parent have a 50/50 ratio of cells containing either the xy chromosomes or the xx. in every human, the different groups of cells among skin cells are distributed in stripes across the body. so secretly, we all bear the stripes like the ones the cat bears!