Have you ever playing with spiders?

in #animals2 days ago


Recently in my traveled around the forest, I usually found all kind of stuff, animals for examples, and if you have been paying attention and been very carefully, you can play with them, of course you taking the distance, and knowing what kind of animals you can play, you should defined the limits.


If you will found a big snake, never and never you should have been playing with its, because it could give a big hurt to your body and could give you a little bit and it could get poison for you and will kill you, remember you should be responsible with the mother nature and with yourself.


In this case we found a big spider, in this case you can take a little longer pieces of wood, and with this, you can closeup to the spider, with the best carefully, you won't hurt this beautiful spider ok, the thin and long wood, only should uses to move the spider in the best position, to let you have been seen the best angle of your beautiful spider.


You can see how she moves around their net, a little thin cable of seda, cross around their body, and of course, it have been giving the food for her, the insect have been coming and staying in the net, without move, and then the spider have been coming to take his food.




Enjoy her body and spectacular design of this spider, and gold colors.

Remember we won't hurt the animals and plants in the nature, they have been take care of us.

Thanks a lot for coming, remember photos are my.
English mistakes too.


Si mi estimado amigo , mejor tomar distancia este animal se ve muy peligroso , te confieso que me da algo de escalofrío al verlo