Hi Steemians, today I have found a very nice video in an article where some divers helped a shark in danger because of a rope wrapped around his neck and I want to share this video with you. As you may already know, I love sharks and that's why I'm happy that these divers helped this poor shark in danger.
Here you can find the link with the German article and the fascinating video of the rescue action in English:
German text from the article with the video:
Als einige Taucher gerade die Tiefen der Bahamas erkundeten, stießen sie auf einen Hai, der in einem schlimmen Zustand war. Denn das Tier hatte ein Seil um den Hals geschlungen, das sich tief in sein Fleisch gegraben hatte. Sie zögerten nicht lange und retteten sein Leben!
English translation:
When some divers were exploring the depths of the Bahamas, they came upon a shark that was in a very terrible condition. The animal had a rope wrapped around the sharks neck, which had dug deep into his flesh. They didn't hesitate long and saved his life!
Source and link to the video: https://www.ohmymag.de/hai/hai-mit-seil-um-den-hals-bei-der-befreiung-passiert-den-tauchern-etwas-unerwartetes_art6647.html
Best regards and Steem on everyone!
Jonas - @future24
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Sharks are dangerous! You are so cool!
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Haha no, sharks are not so dangerous, only if they are feeded by humans they could attack, but attacks on humans are not usual. I have dived with small & big sharks a few times and they are very majestic & friendly animals. 👌 Greetings and thanks for your comment @crypto.talk. 👍
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Nice to meet you! I watched this interview of Scott Forstall and he had a really terrifying experience haha.
I guess this is not that dangerous when you know what you are doing.
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