5 DIY Homemade Dog Treats

in #animals7 years ago

In this article we will show you 5 DIY Homemade Dog Treats. These are great for special occasions like your dogs birthday as an example. But you can also make these any time you like. It's a good idea to use all organic products for your doggie. If your dog has any food allergies, you can substitute the ingredients. For example, if they are allergic to wheat, a good substitute is rice flour or coconut flour.


Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Homemade Dog Treats 1

So the first thing that we’re gonna be making are these homemade peanut butter dog biscuits! To make these peanut butter dog biscuits, the ingredients you will need, will be:

  • 2-1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
Here are the tools you will need to make the biscuits:
  • A baking sheet
  • mixing bowl
  • hand mixer
  • rolling pin
  • pet cookie cutters
The first thing your going to do is combine the flour, egg and baking powder into the mixing bowl. Once they are all in there, give it a quick mix. Next your gonna add the water, peanut butter and honey to the bowl. Then you’re gonna mix together until everything is well combined.

The dough is now ready and it’s ready to roll out. One thing to note is, because only one egg is going into the recipe, it's not going to rise very much. So when you roll this out, make sure to roll it to the thickness that you want these to turn out as. Around half an inch is usually the best option.

So you’re just gonna take a little flour, sprinkle it over your surface so that the dough doesn’t stick. Then you’re gonna take your dough, press ‘em down, then roll it out, about 1/2 an inch thick. Now you’re going to take your bone shaped cookie cutter. Cut out a bunch of little peanut butter biscuits! Now you’re going to remove the excess dough around your cookies and transfer them to your baking sheet. This part is totally optional, but I like to add a little detail to our dog biscuits! Take a fork and press straight down, to make little divots.

Now your going to bake these in the oven at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes. keep your eye on them just to check they don't overdo. They’re fresh out of the oven, they’re all done, and they smell really good! They just smell like peanut butter. These are also people safe,so you can take a little bite. They taste just like peanut butter but they are just a little bit drier. Just remember, they’re not sweet at all, they’re not like a cookie because there is no sugar added to them. So, definitely yummy for dog treats.


Chicken Flavored Ice Cube Bones

Homemade Dog Treats 2

Next thing that we’re gonna be making are Chicken Flavored Ice Cube Bones. The things you’ll need to make these Chicken Flavored Ice Cube Bones will be:

  • A bone mold ( You will be using it as an ice cube tray)
  • organic chicken broth
  • boiled chicken breast
This recipe is not only simple and easy to make, but your dog will also love this! Take the 2 pieces of organic chicken. Boil them until they are fully cooked. Once they are cooked, the first thing you will do is shred them. Take the shredded chicken and add it to the bone mold.

After you’ve filled the tray with a bunch of shredded chicken, now you are going to add the chicken broth on top. To make it a little bit easier, first of all pour it into a measure cup with a pour spigot. Once you’ve filled the tray with the chicken broth, now you’re gonna pop these in the freezer for a few hours until they have completely frozen.


Doggie Meat Birthday Cake

The next treat is a doggie birthday cake! This is going to be a meat based cake, with a peanut butter frosting. The things you will need for this doggie birthday cake will be:

  • A mixing bowl
  • a hand mixer
  • two 4-inch cooking pans
  • Cooking spray
  • 1 pound of organic ground beef
  • 1/4 a cup of rolled oats
  • 1/4 a cup of shredded cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 ripe banana
The first thing that you’re gonna do is in your mixing bowl, combine the beef, egg, oats and cheese, and just mix it together. You can just use your hands for this. Now, you have to split this evenly between the two pans. Once this is done it's time to pop these in the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes, until the meat is cooked all the way through.

While the doggie cakes are baking in the oven, you can now make some frosting using peanut butter and mashed banana! Grab a mixing bowl, add the peanut butter, banana, and just break it up into little pieces. Along with this, also throw in the vanilla extract. Mix all these ingredients together until they are well combined. The peanut butter frosting is now ready to go.

This part is optional, you do not have to do this. But you can put the majority of the frosting into a decorating bag with no tip. This will just make it a lot easier to apply to the cake. Then, in the second bag, your gonna be putting a number 21 tip, it has a little star. This ads a little bit of design on the cake. To make it look like a birthday cake!

Now that our doggie cakes are out of the oven and have had a little bit of time to cool, they can still be warm, this is just fine. Your are going to level them by cutting off the top. This will make them easier to stack. Now is a good time to pick whatever plate you want to serve your little doggie cake on. You’re just going to take the bottom layer of your cake and put a layer, so that the patties will stick together.

Now your put on the second layer, stick it right on top. It's now time to frost the entire cake. It's best to start on the top. Pipe the frosting all along the top, and then use the spatula to flatten it out and press it all the way around the sides of the cake. The doggie cake is now starting to look amazing!

We can now add some cool final touches. Again, these are optional, you do not have to do these. You can add some little candles onto the cake to make it look more like a proper birthday cake.


Frozen Watermelon Treat

This is a great one for when your dog is hot in the scorching summer temperatures. It is also super easy to make. All you will need to make this is:

  • one cup of either coconut water or coconut milk
  • two cups of pureed
  • seedless watermelon
  • tablespoon of honey
  • icecube trays
Okay the first thing we are going to do is make a giant mess and cut a watermelon in half. Scoop out the watermelon and put it in a blender. As you are spooning it out you can see it gets kind of juicy and you can literally just pour the juice in your blender.

Next we add the honey. This is an optional step. Try making one with honey, one without and see what your dog likes best. After this we then add either the coconut water or coconut milk. Again, give this a quick mix.

Start pouring the mix into the ice cube tray. Once the tray is full, you can pop this into the freezer and wait for the mix to fully freeze.


Pokeball Dog Treat

This one is pretty cool. It's going to be a Pokeball doggie treat! The first thing you are gonna need to do, is pre-heat your oven to 350F. For the Pokeball dog treat you will need;

  • one (1) cup of water
  • one (1) egg.
  • two (2) tablespoons of coconut oil
  • half (1/2) cup of unsweetened organic apple sauce
  • two cups of oat flour
  • one (1) cup of coconut flour
  • dog safe fondant
Put all the ingredients together and mix them up just a little bit. Next, your gonna take two (2) cups of oat flour. And one (1) cup of coconut flour. Wisk those two (2) fours together (Mixer sounds) After you wisked your flours together, were gonna slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix it together. You have to be sure your dough is done. Take some out and if it's doesn't stick to your hands, and it forms pretty good balls... That's pretty good dough right there!

Now, take some of this dough and start to roll it out. Use the rolling pin and roll it out to exactly quarter of an inch. If the dough get's a bit sticky, you can add just a little bit more. As it's Pokeballs we are making, you can cut htese into circles. Your gonna put them on our cookie sheet and we are going to bake them in the oven for about 20 to 30 minutes and then, you can actually just shut your oven off and let em cool in there. This will make them nice and crispy.

Were going to be using dog safe fondant to make the colors of the Pokeball. You can find this on many online stores. According to the directions on the bag, you need one (1) cup of our fondant powder and then, two (2) tablespoons of water. You will need to mix it until is all moistened. Once it's mixed, go ahead and form it into a ball.

Then, your gonna be adding a litte bit of rice flour to it If it sticks to our hands too much. Then try rolling this out pretty thin. To get the fondant to actually stick on the cookies, you will have to use something to bind it together. Lightly frost these with a little bit of cream cheese. That way, the fondant will have something to grab a hold of.

Take these little circles that we cut... We are going to put them on the cookies. Do the first half in white and half in red. You can use a cap to cut them to size. You will also need to cut out a little black circle.



Hope you enjoyed these 5 DIY homemade dog treats. Try them out for your own puts. see which ones they like the best. We will produce more articles on different recipes and stuff like this so stay tuned.



Dachshunds were originally bred for fighting badgers.