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in #animals8 years ago

apart from steem what do you do professionally (dont mind me asking I am just curious)!! and these ducks look like they are about to participate in a ballroom for some james-bond movie with all that masks on their face !!


I am trying to work my way into the house, where we cross most bills off of our list and build a house out of pocket and own our land, providing for most of our own needs. Recently I have been laying hardwood flooring and cutting lawns, but stopped a bit ago and am still on vacation for my parents 40th wedding anniversary.

My goal is to work from home by using our land to produce useful things like food plants and other things.

wow .....And you have been doing that alone ?? and you plan to grow for self consumption or to sell in market too !! make a post about it what you have been working upon would love to read more about it !!

Yeah, we have been doing it as a family, with me in the lead. It took a lot of effort to work so hard at the job, steemit consistently, and work on the homestead, but we are moving forward.

We plan on producing more than we need to either sell or share, and be able to bless others as well.

If you want to know more about my views on life, I did a six part series called the long strange journey home. Here is the link to the final post, which links the other five in it.

haha there are way too many spammers in your posts !! finished reading this post just now !! I too write some travel logs and time to time paint and write poetry (i submitted one in your competition wildnstrange) I would love it if you can see some of it ! and best of luck for your home and your future endeavors !!

I'll check. I was getting interested in you anyway!