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RE: Amazing Animals #19 The Arctic Fox

in #animals7 years ago

I've only seen one in captivity sadly, it was in Langedrag Nature Park in Norway, there were a pair there and they were playfully chasing each other through the tunnel systems, was awesome to witness.

I would love to see them in the wild though.

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I have also seen them at Langedrag, @amavi! We went there for a full week when I was 12 years or so, and I have such amazing experiences from it. I was even able to feed these little foxes some cheese by hand on day :)

That’s awesome! We went around 3 years ago now, I must of stood and watched them for around an hour they were incredible! And the views from up there are immense!

Oh yeah, it's a very nice place! It's been so long since I was there, but I hope return and bring my child there for a visit in a few years when he is old enough to appreciate it :)