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RE: My cat killed a mouse & left 2 orphaned baby mice, When I heard them squeak I couldn't let them die, so I saved them & brought them to Project Wildlife: rehabilitates orphaned/injured mammals & birds. Named them"Kilo" and "Microgram" new Steemit Mascots!

in #animals7 years ago

WOW well guess what??? The Power Outtage the other day that left 40,000 san diego residents without power WAS CAUSED BY A SQUIRREL .....a fuckin rodent!!!! wtf this is all very synchronicity

I just found this out! wtf so I am supposed to learn about Rodents! like Zootopia! little rodentia!

omg i just found the PERFECT zotopia GIF for steemit!

I gotta add the steem logo
Ok i couldnt find how to add teh steemit logo in time, i gotta go wak to fedex now to send the solar chargers

thsi is as far i got i coulodnt add the .com it wouldnt let me it just cut it off if i added more words, dunno if its like a pay feature i dunno, if they dont low URLs on gipphy ro somethin or if it ran outta room

omng thats a perfect GIF