My cat killed a mouse & left 2 orphaned baby mice, When I heard them squeak I couldn't let them die, so I saved them & brought them to Project Wildlife: rehabilitates orphaned/injured mammals & birds. Named them"Kilo" and "Microgram" new Steemit Mascots!

in #animals7 years ago

My cat was being a good cat, and doing its job that humans have needed from cats for thousands of years, the eating of pests that eat our food crops and grain stores throughout human history. But it was just very sad when your cat brings you a dead or worse, dying baby bird or rodent, and we found 3 little baby mice, one had died and had blood around its head, totally unresponsive, buried that one in a potted plant with a little gravestone pebble, but the other two were still alive, and I felt really bad seeing them move around. My mom took what the cat dragged in and placed in paper towels in the trash can and told me to go look and see if they wer actually alive, and I know people buy rodents to feed snakes and they are a pest animal and that theres plenty of them and that we cannot worry about every little animal, but these tiny organisms were mammals, and when i touched them, they made a tiny little squeek, and it hurt my heart really bad and I knew I had to do something, so I put them in a box with a little cap full of milk and tried to posiution their mouths into the milk...not having the syringe)

(Me very sad after finding them 2 alive 1 dead (from the cat) and after burying the dead one, and not knowing what to do to keep the other two alive, and the photo is after feeling an intense connection with another mammal knowing that I was the only organism that could help these helpless defenseless creatures . I just felt they deserved a chance to live their short rodent lives to the fullest!

I got a little bit of milk in their mouths but they coulndt really drink on their own yet, I didnt know what to do, and thought of at least just taking a photo to remember these little giys before they died...and I realized I would want to share them to steemit to at least let them get online once in their lives....and I wanted them to be a symbol for steemit and so i knew I couldnt just let them die and I had to give steemit a happy ending to this story! I searched Gogle for what to do with orphan baby rodents and apparently i had to find a "rodent rehabilitator" but I had no idea where to go about finding someone who could provide a nursing "foster" rodent mother, or someone who could care for them within 2 hours...if they dont get fed in 2 hours they could die, they wetre just born very recently and time was running out...

(Meet Kilo and Microgram! Steemit's Rodent Ambassadors :D )

The power had just gone out for 40,000 people in San Diego this morning, and my phone still had power thanks to my solar battery charger and I looked up how to care for an orphaned baby rodent and how it needs material without fibers that they can get legs caught in, and they need food every 2 hours! And I didnt have the little syringe type plunger i would need to give these babies milk, and with cats it would be hard to take care of these baby rodents.... So my mom reminded me of "project WIldlife" a place where you can drop off injured or orphaned wildlife.

(Here is me feeling a little better knowing that I was just a few minutes drive to this place that would care for these orphaned newborn mice ...and that I wouldn't have to do any sort of difficult work or pay any money to be able to help these little mammals! It isn't even a big deal they can easily take care of them until they can be released! )

And so I dropped them off with Project Wildlife and they will feed them and take care of them until they are healthy enough to be released in the wild! It' so awesome they even have a drop off for birds and non newborn mammals with extra cages outside for them! It has many volunteers there and you can probably find a project Wildlife or similar Human Society type program in your local area . and I hope we can help raise money to do massive pet sitting programs where the homeless can get free housing to pet set multiple strays to allow us to adopt every dog can cat that needs a home. gives me faith in this planet that people and buildings and money is dedicated to helping even the most defenseless helpless creatures on this planet.

Here is the Morena Blvd San Diego, Ca Project Wildlife, which I really appreciate and I want to bring attention to this organization for its noble work. There is just something very compassionate about helping organisms just for the sake of them being alive, the idea that they deserve a chance at life seems more important than so many things....this message is the same message for helping other human beings....its all connected and its all reflective of each other and we can show astronomical levels of compassion to humans and animals at the same time and I hope I can use this post to raise some money to donate to this organization in the future! i want this post here to show everyone that you can make money helping even the most defenseless tiny creatures that most people would give up on and ignore, and I believe I can even check up on them in a few weeks and take photos of them if possible, I want them to be little steemit mascots ...the idea brings tears to my eyes, and steemit can become the ultimate underdog story, these tiny baby mice can represent all the forgotten people on Earth the 800 million who still go to bed hungry every night, and show how steemit can be there for people and for animals

Here is one of the amazing volunteers/workers at the Project Wildlife who assured me they would survive, and that its no big deal and it makes me realize that I did the right thing and it wasn't going out of my way, it only took a few minutes and I see a massive market for Videos on Youtube where people take a stray dog and rehabilitate them show them love and record the outcome, getting millions of views in the process, and so imagine how much good can be done through steemit with posts like this that show people its profitable to do good deeds, record it and use the money to help your cause, I can donate a good portion of my steem from this pos to the project wildlife program so they can afford to continue doing their awesome work. It just allowed me to feel so much better about something i would have never forgotten, i would have always thought about those little mammals squirming around with their little hands and feat and mouths making actual cute noises, i couldn't let them die, they were destined for something greater, they were put into my life for a reason. They are steemit's representatives for the rodent world, a reminder of where Humanity and all mammals genetically originate from. That is also why I respect these creatures because rodents are closer to the original mammal form, they went and ate all of the dinosaur eggs and took the earth away from reptiles and helped make it for Mammals! When I see a baby mouse i see what reminds me of a human fetus shape, and I had such a strong connection after hearing the tiny squeek it made. Hearing an organism cry for help really activated my mammal brain and i connected with this tiny creature.

(Theyre going to be ok! Theyre at the Project Wildlife right now probably sleeping after their big day :) They almost died from a feline attack and their mom and siblings died but they still have each other ( i made sure they were in contact with each other) and now they have all sorts of other rodents to play with and theyll be back in the wild soon . They will always be my little Steemit Mascots! Im so glad I stayed up al night and went upstairs to water my plants when I did so I could save these steemit mascots like I did. I should name them kilo and microgram and they will be my own steemit animal mascots :)

They will always be a symbol for what steemit is for me, a way to help people and animals from suffering and to make it profitable to show compassion. We will do SO much good with steemit and raise so much money for so many amazing programs while having fun doing it! Please check out my next post about USB solar chargers and how I just sent a few more chargers to africa from ebay! I will never forget what these little creatures represent....they will always be a reminder to me to never give up on the forgotten people of the world, to remember all the little people and to believe in the underdog even if none else will bother helping them.....I hope i can inspire a whole wave of posts showing extreme kindness to animals an adoptions of rescue dogs and cats thats need homes. Thank you project wildlife! I was really distraught and upset and sad over finding tiny mammals i couldn't help, so knowing

(project Wildlife appearing on our Local news )

See? they release them back into the wild like these ducks!

I just really feel good about the ideas of "practicing" compassion on animals and seeing that allow for more human to human compassion (understanding why humans freak out and bite the hands that feed them etc) And i hope this post starts a trend of helping animals in need, adopting cats and dogs from shelters with people posting about it helping to make money they need to pay for the pet food vet bills etc and to help save more animals and offer more animals as therapeutic companion animals! Ok I hope you guys like kilo and microgram and I am SO happy I saved them and gave them a chance to not only live BUT to become known online and have a chance to become some sort of mme to live forever! I will go back and take photos of them in a week or two to show them all grown to conclude the story and show how we value everyone and every living thing. Kilo and microgram! i love you guys and I am so happy to have saved you two! This post would have been too sad without this happy ending! I feel like I took a terrible sad super sad situation and made it into beautoful compassion lemonade!

Ok watch for my next post about USB solar charger project to send solar chargers to Africa!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Last winter a little mouse kept showing up on our front porch around the same time every night. I named him Myron and started leaving a small pile of cheese pieces for him. I looked forward to seeing him every night.
Our dishwasher started leaking and the repairman said it had been chewed up by mice. My husband and son, both steemers, told me I needed to stop feeding Myron. So, I did, and we bought a new dishwasher that is stainless steel, so it is mouse proof. I miss Myron, but he had to go!

WOW well guess what??? The Power Outtage the other day that left 40,000 san diego residents without power WAS CAUSED BY A SQUIRREL .....a fuckin rodent!!!! wtf this is all very synchronicity

I just found this out! wtf so I am supposed to learn about Rodents! like Zootopia! little rodentia!

omg i just found the PERFECT zotopia GIF for steemit!

I gotta add the steem logo
Ok i couldnt find how to add teh steemit logo in time, i gotta go wak to fedex now to send the solar chargers

thsi is as far i got i coulodnt add the .com it wouldnt let me it just cut it off if i added more words, dunno if its like a pay feature i dunno, if they dont low URLs on gipphy ro somethin or if it ran outta room

omng thats a perfect GIF

I hated that mouse!

Aaaawwww... You saved two life... I appreciate your efforts.. those are so small...

Waow that was soo generous of you ... How I wish we have such people in Ghana were we can take these creatures to for proper care ...I quit remember I and my cuisine Denice came across this little goat which has lost its way .. I guess it was following her mum for grazing and they left it behind ...we took it and we didn't know where to take it ... So my Granny came up with this idea that why shouldn't we take it to the police station ...ok granny we will do just that: my cuisine said ... So we took this poor creature to the police station and they told us we should leave it at some old building at the station ... We came back and when we went there to check up on the goat the next day it was lying restlessly on the floor no food no water and within some few minute it passed out ...I including Ma cuisine were really sad ... And we came back to the house

So cute. Years ago I rescued 2 mice, 1 from my beloved kitty whence I caught him on the hunt. Kitty looked at me with an offended expression like, "really?" but he forgave me ha. Such a great feeling to show your love to another creature, over & over again! ;)

dude, make them instagram famous!

I will! Ill post this to instagram soon, i repost like my whole week of steemit posts to IG i should do it liek evrry week!

and yeah theers huge market for youtube videos of peopel rescuing liek a sick dog and cleaning them uop, they end up making milliosn fo views and thosuands of dollars off that! so people can start making noney off helping others and animals! we will find ways to use blockchain to enable HONST charities too , track where al the money goes etc

Wow good on you @ackza! That situation would have definitely rattled a lot of people. You were quick on your feet and able to get them the help they needed. Looking forward to the next update!

Upvoted & RESTEEMED!

Thank you for this act of compassion and writing about it with such gusto. <3 I've rescued several critters over the years and when I was about 12 I volunteered at a wildlife rehab center, an experience that has always stuck with me.

yes it feels god to help al organisms on this planet. every little creature a biological miracle , such one of a kind technology should be looked after by us

Nice story to brighten up my day. You have a big heart Zack. Btw did you get her number?

lol nah but i will go back here and ill raise money for them!