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RE: It's a dogs life - Derek's Moments 📷

in #animalphotography7 years ago (edited)


Dear steemit friend,
This topic is very comprehensive, the story of dogs and people together. I will write to you this time something that has come to my mind right now. The fact that you understand that dogs and people do the same things sleep, eat, play, fight for life ... It's true that we are doing the same things, but in a very different way. Dogs must adapt to people and our lifestyle, whether they want it or not. The sooner they realize that they have to be peaceful and friendly, it will be easier for them to be in the company of other dogs and in the society of people. If a dog is malevolent, wants to bite, is angry at everything, and on its own when it looks in the mirror, that dog will not be able to stay long in the world where people are. He will make him soap, because the angry dog ​​does not need anyone, and for this people are guilty, the owners who keep them because they make them.
I wrote something about this topic in my blogs, so you can read it, it will be interesting, I do not doubt.
People have rules by their own country and according to these rules we should play.
Who makes the most stupid thing and makes a blood-thirsty dog? Checks.
A man with a distorted picture of life will make his dog bloodied and thus transmit its consciousness and distorted image of the world in which they live. These dogs will not live long, it happens to them that should happen to those who made them.
Dogs when they come to the world, when they are very small they fight for survival, natural selection, when the stronger he survives. Later when they stop sucking, they slowly create a picture of where they are. If you love them, you give them love, talk to them, play them later with them, give them self-confidence, bake them on their way without aggression. These dogs will certainly be peaceful because you gave them that.
And when someone takes a dog and behaves totally differently, he does not give him water, food, causes fear, maltreats, beat him, hangs him by the tree, and leaves him hanging and piercing him with a wooden pole (I saw this with my own eyes) , he raises adrenaline constantly. That dog is a tortured dog and will surely be bloodthirsty at everything he sees; this is his aroused fear of a man, and for the fear that people will inflict pain on him again, he attacks people as well as other animals, usually other dogs. So it's not a dog that's guilty of being angry than people with whom he grew up as a kid
It's the same with people (babies). Under what conditions they live, how they live will be later. If you hate them, they will hate the whole world, and if you imitate their love, they will love you.
There is no human or animal baby that is bloodthirsty, furious.
That's why I wrote a post in which he writes more about it. I would love to find time and read my texts.
Regards to all

Poštovani steemit prijetelju,
Ta vam je tema veoma opširna, priča o psima i ljudima zajedno. Ja ću ovog puta da vam napišem nešto što mi je trenutno palo na pamet. To što ste shvatili da psi i ljudi rade iste stvari spavaju, jedu, igraju se, bore se za život... To je tačno da radimo iste stvari ali na veoma različit način. Psi se moraju prilagoditi ljudima i našim stilom života, hteli oni to ili ne. Što pre shvate da moraju biti mirni i druželjubivi, lakše će im biti u društvu drugih pasa i u društvu ljudi. Ako je pas zlonameran, želi da ujede, besan je na sve pa i na samog sebe kada se pogleda u ogledalo, taj pas neće moći da bude dugo u svetu gde su ljudi. Napraviće od njega sapun, jer besan pas ne treba nikom a za to su krivi ljudi, vlasnici koji ih čuvaju jer ih naprave takve.
Pisao sam u svojim blogovima nešto na tu temu, pa možete pročitati, biće vam zanimljivo, ne sumnjam.
Ljudi imaju pravila od strane svoje zemlje i po tim pravilima bi trebalo da igramo.
Ko najčešce napravi glupost i od psa napravi krvoločno biće ? Čevek.
Čovek sa iskrivljenom slikom o životu će učiniti da njegov pas bude krvoločan i time prenesu svoju svest i iskrivljenu sliku o svetu u kome žive. Ti psi neće dugo živeti, desi im se ono što bi trebalo da se desi i onima koji su ih napravili takvima.
Psi kada dođu na svet, kada su jako mali oni se bore za opstanak, prirodna selekcija, ko je jači on preživi. Kasnije kada prestanu da sisaju, oni polako stvaraju sliku o tome gde se nalaze. Ako ih vi mazite, date im ljubav, pričate im, igrate se kasnije sa njima, ulivate im samopouzdanje, bodrite ih na njihovom putu bez agresivnosti. Ti psi će sigurno biti miroljubivi jer ste im to i dali.
A kada neko uzme psa i ponaša se prema njemu totalno drugačije, ne daje mu vodu, hranu, izaziva strah, maltretira, tuče ga, obese ga za drvo i ostavi ga tako da visi i prebija ga drvenom motkom (ovo sam video svojim očima), podiže mu adrenalin stalno. Taj pas je mučen pas i sigurno će biti krvoločan na sve sto vidi, to je njegov usađen strah od čoveka pa iz straha da će mu opet ljudi nanositi bol, zbog toga napada ljude pa i druge životinje, najčešće druge pse. Znači nije pas kriv što je besan nego ljudi sa kime je odrastao kao mali
Tako je isto i sa ljudima (bebama). U kakvim uslovima žive, na koji način žive takvi će kasnije biti. Ako im usađujete mržnju, mrzeće ceo svet, a ako im usađujete ljubav, voleće.
Ne postoji ni jedna ljudska ni životinjska beba koja je krvoločna, besna.
Zbog toga sam i napisao jedan post u kome piše više o tome. Voleo bih kada bi ste pronašli vreme i pročitali moje tekstove.
pozdrav svima


Thank you for the very interesting comment. Not sure why you said "Dear steemit threat". I didn't realise I was such a threat ;). Hopefully it's a mis-translation.

Thank you for telling me that I wrote the word incorrectly, I corrected it.
I use google translater but sometimes google gives the wrong translation, sorry for that.
Of course, nobody is a threat or it was my intention to write it like that. I love people like animals, like plants and everything that surrounds me.
I'm glad you like my story, my comment.

Yeah, google translate can be a little frustrating at times, sometimes the true feeling is missed. It's all good, no worries.