Everyday and Curious Encounters #7 - Nethyme von Huhnstein

in #animalphotography7 years ago (edited)

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I picked this one up in a botanical garden in the canton Solothurn, Switzerland. When I showed this picture to a friend of mine (let us call her S), she asked me what “her” name was. I answered: Nethyme von Huhnstein. From that point on, we both started pretending. That this really was name of this moth and that she was the young daughter of a noble house. The noble house of moths who was the proprietor of that botanical garden I had visited with my family.

I present to you the translated excerpt of that conversation.

S: She’s cute! Did you get her number?
Me: Yup. She wrote it on my palm with her saliva.
S: Oh my goodness, she must have really taken a liking to you!
Me: Yeah, but…
S: But what?
Me: Her writing dissolved before I could make any notes…
S: Noooooooo.
Me: But I made some beautiful pictures of her and myself (my palm, at least). They will remember me of that time with her.
Me: Oh, and she has a really special name. I think she even has blue blood! Her name is: Nethyme von Huhnstein. Maybe that whole botanical garden belongs to her family!
S: Dude, all the more reason to have made sure to write down her number!
Me: I totally agree, but one does not simply walk away without making sure the counterpart got the number right. But I can’t blame her, she is so young that she may not have known any better: I think her wings were still not fully inflated yet when we met.
S: Oh, then it may be better for you two not to continue to have contact with each other. Her father may get the wrong idea about you. And send his guardsmen after you.

Me: I visited their botanical garden the day after, looking for her. When I walked through the garden, the air was ten times thicker of pollen. That thick air made me feel dizzy and I only have vague memories about that visit.
Me: I could have sworn that I saw her dad!
S: Well, at least you’re still alive. ;)
Me: He got quite close to my face and examined me. Flying along the shape of an eight that was tipped over.
Me: He even wore a monocle.
S: xD
S: Maybe he’s planning revenge.
Me: I did not have the guts to inquire after his daughter.
Me: The next time I get to visit that botanical garden, Nethyme may have already grown old and become a happy grandmother gifted with many grandchildren.
Me: Surely, she will have forgotten about me, by then.
Me: At least, that’s what I hope.
Me: I could never forgive myself if she passed up the opportunity for a happy life in the hopes of my returning.
S: Yeah, that would be a real pity. I hope she’ll be happy.
Me: In the best case, I get a picture of her freshly founded family, to let me know not to worry about her.
Me: In the worst case, I will have to be prepared to face an everlasting vendetta involving all her family members, her relatives, and all of their following generations. And mercenaries, too, if they can afford any.
S: I hope she has a glorious wedding with her dream guy, one day. Whom her family also approves.
Me: So do I.
Me: Her future groom will have to be of supreme origin, though, to maintain her family’s beautiful and fluffy fur.
S: If push comes to shove, you may have to man up and marry her yourself, after causing so much trauma.
Me: Love isn’t that easy.
Me: If they wanted me to do that, they should at least let me know about it.
Me: And it’s not like we became intimate or anything. It was just a walk in a garden.
S: Yes, but maybe their customs are totally different from ours.
Me: I expect Mr. von Huhnstein to have at least one human advisor, capable of decoding the human conventions and way of thinking.
S: Try to send her a message, to clear everything up. You may even start a beautiful friendship with her and her family. :)

To be continued.

And that’s how the saga of Nethyme von Huhnstein began. To be honest, I kind of started feeling guilty for potentially condemning Nethyme to a miserable and unfulfilled life, unable to remedy the situation in time - even though the whole story was completely made up!
The story came out rather silly, but I certainly had a blast exploring and developing this story with S.

End of Post Shilling
In case you are wondering why I am uploading this picture a second time, please read the preface of the following blog post:

Right now, I am re-uploading my first 20 pictures. If you wish to see the first 20 entries in high quality right away, you may want to look at them in my very first blog post: https://steemit.com/photography/@laivintlich/greetings-everyday-and-curious-encounters-1-20

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Best wishes,

#animalphotography @photocontests @juliank