
Your apology is awesome, thank you. I realise after talking to you, that you didn't know you were doing anything wrong, so it's all good:)

Hey @themanwithnoname and @galenkp, check it out! @khairul1306 is sorry, and just didn't know any better. He is off to a fresh start!

Cool, cool. Glad you were able to patch things up. To be honest, I'm sad they didn't pick one of the other options. :)

I'm still game for the suction cup thingys if you ever find them :)

If I find them, I'll let you know. That being said, I would need to spring for the harnesses as well and have someone drop rope off the top. It will cost more, but if the suction thingys fail, at least we'll get to swing around for a while. That should be fun!

That does sound fun...for a while! But it would be more bang for your buck for sure ;)

This platform is about community and each member needs to understand that they are welcome, as are you. However engaging in the way you attempted to is not well received and will only result in you losing far more than you hope to gain @khairul1306. Engage in a meaningful way and you will reap what you sow.

Hi @galenkp, I went over to his page earlier and relayed the same message to him. He was very thankful and showed a real willingness to learn the 'right' way.

Thank you for doing this; I really believe everyone deserves a second chance, and an opportunity to learn. Maybe not a 3rd or 4th:)

It's your page, so you get to determine if they get the hammer or not...unless I decide if they get the hammer. jk. I don't really flag. I just like to point out to people that they're being rude to my friends. The people with whom I interact frequently, I consider friends and don't like seeing them get spammed or scammed.

Thank you friend for keeping an eye out on me; I would do the same for you and then some :)

You're welcome. And thanks! You've been warned, general public. @lynncoyle1 is not to be trifled with! Or she might "trifle" with your face!

"Trifle" hahaha