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RE: Meat Lovers Friendly Content

I don’t identify as vegan or vegetarian although I do enjoy preparing and eating meals without animal products.

And I am not offended by this post, but it makes me think a bit.

If people are following the principles of anarchy, do no harm, and believe that all beings are sovereign, it becomes a conflict to enslave and murder another being, even for food.

And if we then say, we can enslave, murder, and eat other creatures, they are not “conscious”, then it allows us in our world view to eat fish, cows, pigs, horses, dogs, cats, rats. And if it’s ok to enslave and murder these creatures, what stops us from enslaving and murdering other humans too?

Is this world view of enslaving and raising a captive conscious creature to be murdered and consumed, is this view compatible with the freedom tenets of anarchism?

And, by consuming a murdered creature that has been a captive slave, do we not absorb some of this captive slave energy by eating them? Hence, “You are what you eat.”

No judgement here, more a question of perspective.