animal grasshoppers

Grasshoppers are animals found in many plantation areas and rice fields. These animals are mentioned twice in the Qur'an, the story of Moses in Surat al-araf verse 133, and in sura al-qamar verse 7.
"So we sent them hurricanes, grasshoppers, lice, frogs and blood (drinking water turned into blood) as clear evidence, but they remained arrogant and they were sinners," (al-araf verse 133).
The above verse tells the story of Prophet Moses while in Egypt to liberate his people, the Children of Israel, from the torture of Pharaoh. As a testament to the truth, Allah sends them hurricanes, frogs, lice, and locusts in large quantities.
On these miracles, agricultural fields and the life of Egyptian society was disturbed. God also changes the water there, including drinking water, into blood.
Then the locust is also described in one of the letters as below.
"Their eyes are bowed, when they come out of the grave, as if they are flying locusts," (al-qamar verse 7).
Quoted from the book 'Tafsir Ilmi' about animals in the perspective of the Qur'an and science (2012), the verse describes the conditions on the day of resurrection which is figured by the exit of groups of locusts from the ground. As is known, locusts plant eggs in sandy soil.
The female locust will dig a hole as deep as 10 to 15 cm, and each tail can produce 90 to 160 eggs. Female locusts can produce eggs three times during their lifetimes. In the 10 to 45 days period, depending on the temperature of the soil, grasshopper eggs will hatch and become a locust. They come out together and the numbers can reach 40 to 80 million heads per square kilometer.
The grasshopper's life serves as a picture of the condition of the creature on the day of resurrection after so long underground in the form of bones. They are raised together and raised to the ground.


You know the grasshoper very well @ardabilfataya
I'm following you. Thanks