Why NOT to own a CAT!

in #animal7 years ago (edited)


I would like you to meet my cat Miško!

My family and I adopted him when he was only few months old, and by that time we were sure HE is a SHE, so we called him Miška (not totally sure how you would translate that from Serbian but it would be something close to Darling i guess)
Few more months passed and we were definitely sure that we made a mistake!

He is about 4 years old now and still a little devil! Like most cats he doesn't like to be petted until he decides himself that he wants to be petted. He still likes to play and jump around acting like he is hunting someting!
I made this funny GIF so you could see it for yourselves :D


In 1987 cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America.

Kittens remain with their mother till the age of 9 weeks.

The female cat reaches sexual maturity within 6 to 10 months; most veterinarians suggest spaying the female at 5 months, before her first heat period. The male cat usually reaches sexual maturity between 9 and 12 months.

We've made a similar mistake in the past when we adopted 2 street Singapura cats. They were so cute that we assumed that they were female and gave them girly names - Tilly & Milly. Four weeks later my Father informed us that the cats were both males! By then, they had gotten used to their names and we decided not to change them.

Tilly the ginger, had a similar personality. He was only friendly to his immediate family & rather unfriendly to our visitors.

Cats make great family companions. Both of them passed away from old age a few years ago.

Now we live with a Ragdoll cat with an amazing personality. We are really happy with Leon

It is nice to know that my family and I were not the only ones to make that mistake! xD I agree, cats do make a great family members :) I must say, Leon is a beautiful cat!

I have not had good luck and always end up with roommates that have cats. Can't more people have dogs??? Please?!!!!

Hahahahahahahah :D Cats are devils I must admit

yes... they are!