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RE: Kangaroo Paws - the flowers jump out at you.

in #anigozanthus6 years ago

Beautiful flowers, my friend and Kangaroo Paws prefer an open sunny position with sandy soil or a sandy soil with plenty of organic matter added to create a sandy loam. The more humid the environment the more important it is to have good drainage. They should be given plenty of water when flowering but otherwise they are fairly hardy.

Before the flower has died completely cut it at the base of the stem. This may encourage another flowering. When it has completely finished flowering cut the stem and leaves down to the ground and let it regenerate the following year.

Kangaroo Paws can be propagated from seed by placing in a seed-raising mix, keeping it covered and spraying it to keep the soil moist until germination which may take up to a month. Then transfer it to a pot with an Australian Native potting mix.

You can also divide the clump if they are getting very large by lifting them with a fork and cutting using a knife or the blade of a spade. The best time to divide the clump is early summer or autumn when the weather is not too harsh. Cut all of the leaves back by a third and place in a well drained Australian Native potting mix in a sheltered position. When you see some new growth in the leaves and roots it is ready to plant in the garden. Beware that if you have a hybrid it may be sterile. Thank you @ctrl-alt-nwo