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RE: Today i'm Taking SHROOMS to HEAL

in #anger5 years ago

Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry her presence by rudely interrupting our social interaction got you involved in our drama. That is what she does. So far she has left me alone for a good long while after making that Steemit post almost 2 years ago. I know I don't go around pushing my unwanted self onto people who wouldn't want me around. That is childish and immature. She thinks because I am her son that I have to put up with her toxic unwanted presence being forced upon my life. FUCK THAT! Nope, goodbye. In my world she no longer exists. Along with everyone else that is toxic. What we are born shouldn't dictate what we become. Just because I was born unto a white trash piece of shit family doesn't mean I have to die like one of them too. They can remain pieces of shit for all I care. I'm making history!


I know, it's hard to understand how people want to push themselves onto people and think that it's acceptable. I don't know why some Mothers think that because you are their child they can treat you with such disrespect. They don't own us and they need to appreciate us and be thankful for us. It's so strong of you to rise above negativity and not tolerable racism and toxic behavior. Most people don't rise above the family they are born into and they become a product of their environment, it's very sad. Racists usually create racists and the cycle continues and you have broken the cycle, so good for you. I'm happy to know you. I hope your family can change, but you're not responsible for them and their happiness. If they don't see a problem they aren't going to fix it. I hope she leaves you alone and does some self-reflection and heals and grows as a person. You are strong, wise and assertive and you don't take any shit, I admire that.