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RE: Today i'm Taking SHROOMS to HEAL

in #anger5 years ago

Please mute and ignore if not help me downvote this woman @shakanin. She is a rancid succubus of Satan who keeps trolling me and will not leave me alone after I wrote her off shutting her out of my life completely for reasons like this. This is very rude of her to try to get involved butting her unwanted presence in with my personal relationships I try to have with people on Steemit. She does this all the time because she is mentally ill. She can't leave people alone. She has to constantly intrude her unwanted self in peoples lives because she doesn't have one of her own. She is a rude nasty hateful racist succubus of Satan. This is why I don't post anything anymore like I used too. My life is none of her business.


It's important that she respect your boundaries and not intrude into your life without your permission. That has to be very difficult for you and I hope she can understand that you need your space because it's not good to push yourself on people, it's causes resentment. I don't know what she's trying to accomplish by upsetting you. I'll mute her now, so she can't interfere with our conversations and hope she find peace, happiness and understanding towards you in your wishes.

Thank you @shakanin for understanding. I always tell people don't judge my action before knowing my reasons. I wrote her off years ago along with the rest of my family for being the hateful racist white trash pieces of shit that they are. My mother is so mentally ill she is the kind of person that will come into your home, talk shit about you, and then call you the asshole and spit at you when you try to defend yourself from her. She is sick! She only signed up on Steemit to troll me because she can't accept the fact that she fucked up as a mother. She is a narcissist who only butts her unwanted presence in my life to try take credit for anything I accomplish for myself. SICK! This is why I wrote her off completely. I've had to change my phone numbers and emails to avoid her because she doesn't leave me alone. I can't get a no contact order for harassment against her because she lives out of state.

Here is an old blog I posted on Steemit awhile back warning all my followers of her. Just read the memes I made LOL. I never intended on ever bringing up a bunch of unwanted family drama here on Steemit but she signed up just to troll me and asked for it. I can't block her so what else could I do?

That's good that you removed the toxic people from you life, some people don't have the strength to do that and they get brought down with the negativity. I don't think some people are cut out to be Mothers and it's sad when selfish narcissists have children because it's so harmful on children to grow up in this environment. It's hard when our childhoods have so much trauma and pain and then the ones who cause this try and be in our lives after all the damage they have caused. I believe it would be a struggle to forgive these people if they are still set in their negative ways and try and become involved in our lives again. Bad memories keep coming back and it's so difficult to heal when you are subjected to trauma between the ages of 0-6 because this time is so critical in our development. It's very upsetting when narcissists try and become involved in our lives when they realize they have no-one else and that is why they try and cling on. I could never damage someone and be cruel to anyone and it's hard to understand people who are like this. If Mothers want to have a good relationship with their children then they need to raise them right with love, attention and praise. If they are abusive it's very difficult to form a relationship with them later on. I hope your Mom can leave you in peace and let you heal because there is nothing positive that she is adding to your life, but generating anger and annoyance. If she says she loves you then she has to respect your wishes and your boundaries and let you be. I'm thankful to connect with and honored to have you as a friend here on Steemit. You're so Awesome :)

Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry her presence by rudely interrupting our social interaction got you involved in our drama. That is what she does. So far she has left me alone for a good long while after making that Steemit post almost 2 years ago. I know I don't go around pushing my unwanted self onto people who wouldn't want me around. That is childish and immature. She thinks because I am her son that I have to put up with her toxic unwanted presence being forced upon my life. FUCK THAT! Nope, goodbye. In my world she no longer exists. Along with everyone else that is toxic. What we are born shouldn't dictate what we become. Just because I was born unto a white trash piece of shit family doesn't mean I have to die like one of them too. They can remain pieces of shit for all I care. I'm making history!

I know, it's hard to understand how people want to push themselves onto people and think that it's acceptable. I don't know why some Mothers think that because you are their child they can treat you with such disrespect. They don't own us and they need to appreciate us and be thankful for us. It's so strong of you to rise above negativity and not tolerable racism and toxic behavior. Most people don't rise above the family they are born into and they become a product of their environment, it's very sad. Racists usually create racists and the cycle continues and you have broken the cycle, so good for you. I'm happy to know you. I hope your family can change, but you're not responsible for them and their happiness. If they don't see a problem they aren't going to fix it. I hope she leaves you alone and does some self-reflection and heals and grows as a person. You are strong, wise and assertive and you don't take any shit, I admire that.