Yesterday, I asked why Bitcoin’s “fundamentals” don’t seem to matter right now – and alternatively, have they changed for the worse? To that end, is the SV fork actually a threat - or just a scam, scheme, or delusional crypto crusade.
That said, I see that SV has now offered “replay protection” for those attempting to move back and forth between the ABC and SV chains – which, without fully understanding the technical definition, means those attempting to do so (like, for instance, ABC holders attempting to claim the SV fork) won’t be at risk of losing their ABC. According to Aaron Von Wirdum, one of the crypto industry’s top analysts, this is akin SV to surrendering the Hash War…meaning, barely two weeks in, it already believes it cannot win.
True, the cumulative value of SV and the original BCash is just $268 – compared to $415 two weeks before the fork; and the nearly $700 MORONS paid in the days immediately beforehand, when speculating that somehow a hostile fork was “good” for BCash. However, the fact remains that SV has been accepted as a part of the crypto ecosystem, with a price nearly twice the $45 low – whilst Bitcoin continues to languish around its lows.
So, I again ask, if indeed SV is the reason for Bitcoin’s severely ill financial market condition, why didn’t it rebound on the news SV can’t even defeat the mortally wounded BCash…let alone, Bitcoin?
I have no idea – and thus, will remain on the sidelines (with my BRhodium as insurance against a crypto turnaround), reserving judgment until I see further evidence of what exactly is going on. And no, it’s not the delay of the Bakkt physical Bitcoin launch until January, I’m sure.
Andy you spent years documenting the paper market manipulation of gold and silver....why do you think Bitcoin is any different? These exchanges trade all BTC in existence in a 2 or 3 day period. That is a fraud! Someone is driving the price down to buy it on the cheap and probably moving it off exchanges into hard wallets. Then when they get all the weak hands to dump, they will run it up the same way like they do with gold and silver: wash, rinse, repeat!
I think the "activation" of the New U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents will change the way you look at any other Crypto-Currency...
The comments section on many established Crypto pod casts the flooded with long screeds against BTC by those doing there social duty to save us all from what they see as a ponzi. In the words of Shakespeare "The lady doth protest too much, methinks". I would submit that there is a concerted effort by big buyers to talk the price down as low as possible. It is the only way to increase the potential spread on their buys which will be occurring in the near future and en- mass. The big boys never really had a problem with BTC provided they owned most of it.
I think I will keep my life saving in cash in a bank account so that I can make it easy for lawyers, government, hackers, and bitter spouses to get at it. I wouldn't want to make it hard on them.
lol... That was a good reply...
In God We Trust The Plan...